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My first attempts at Votives...


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Hi Maggie......I really like your votives. It sounds like the smell wonderful. It will only get better...lol....and more expensive...lol.....we old people don't have any money left....all goes on wax and supplies...there are always new things to try...it is sooooo tempting to buy it all. You will see.....this stuff will drive you nuts. But it's a good nuts.....Donita;)

OH no spending more money...I spend so much money on B$B supplies already....:laugh2::D and where in Heck am I going to hide more supplies....:D Your too funny Donita....:grin2:

Michi wrote!!!!!!

Hey Donita, don't scare her off now. ;) But dang girl, if ya aint sooooo right!! LOL

Those are just darling Maggie, and you SHOULD be very proud of those especially for firsts girl, those are just too dang cute!! Oooh and that scent combo I bet is wonderful!!

So, tell me how or what you used to poke you hole in the flower to get your wick up through there??

Oh and did you originally use wick pins?

Oh and how long did you wait after you second pour to place the flower?

Sorry, just a bit nosey!! :D

And I don't even make votives! LOL

Michi..I am sooo proud of these....it was quite the expierment..with wax splooshing in my bangs....think of the movie what about Mary and that was me....so hillarious....don't push the flowers done until the wax is completely cooled

I poured at 165 ish..let set for a few hours..I added the flower then did a second pour at a higher temp me thinks around 175 ish ...I had one candle seperate..the wax must have cooled ...

I did use wick pins...and I used the wick pins to poke a hole in my flower embeds....I did do a lot of reading before hand and I had a good coach earlier on in the day....I just made another batch of LUV Spell....they are cooling as we speak.....See I told you all I am addicted...after my first votives....waaaaaaahhhhh HELP ME....Joking of course....;) ;)

Tanks everyone your comments have helped me to make more....I can now tell my Hubby you have all helped with my addicton....I'm ducking and hiding now:D :D ....

Hugs Maggie

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Those are adorable votives! You certainly didn't start out with something easy did you? I love the flower embed for the top, it's really pretty. Stuff like that you hate to burn em to test em (I know...we get over it and then light those puppies up.):D Very well done, and yes, they will only get better!

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