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When do you cut your soap?


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Right after you pop out of the mold? It just seems like my patterns get a little smeared, the soap is soft and it looks just a bit off. Should I wait longer, or will the soap look different once it's completely cured? Maybe I just need to clean it up when it's harder? Dang, two batches down and I'm not an expert?!?!? :laugh2:

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I've cut only 5 batches so I'm not an expert but I couldn't WAIT w/ the first two and it shows :undecided they are smeared just like you said yours are! One I waited 4 days and it cut nice and clean. I trimmed up the sides on one of the 1st batches and it looked great compared to the fronts.

When I used the crinkle cutter I found that I could cut after I took it out of the mold as long as the log was firm not squishy. Can't wait to hear what the experts said I'm curious too.:)

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I use a huge water discount and almost have to cut w/i 12 hrs of actually making the soap or it is very hard, I have to wear gloves to cut because it is still new soap.

I have always cut pretty much after taking out of mold even b4 using discount, I am very impatient even if I have made the soap b4. LOL

Take a damp cloth and wash them up a little, the smears just go away

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A lot of cutting depends on recipe and process. I normally do CPOP and cut my soap right after unmolding (and unmold in about 12-16 hours). But if I'm doing a castille and using the same process - it is days before cutting.

If the soaps are smearing I'd wait a day or two. Sounds like they are still too soft.

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I've found the longer I wait to cut my bars the better the cut. It's hard not to cut right away - I usually cut 1/4 inch from the end just to see if my swirl came out, then let it set for another day for a smooth cut.

Now, when I use the wire cutter, I cut right away. Don't want to pop a wire!

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There are many variables that determine when I cut my soap. Oils used - some of them will eventually contribute towards a very hard bar, but within the first few days contribute to a tacky soap. Water discount - if you use a 50% discount versus full water, the soap will be very soft initially. Gel or no gel - if my batch doesn't gel, I let it sit longer too.

Experience will teach you when to cut.

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Guest EMercier

I only have made a few batches and the last two I made I waited a little longer and got a decent cut. I was concerned that the soap wouldn't cut right, but it did.

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I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but generally I'll cut my base recipe within 24-48 hours after unmolding without any issues. Any harder bars get the knife immediately after unmolding. Softer recipes can sit for a week or two, but I do like Bunny and cut the first 1/4 off and check my swirls 'cause I just can't stand not knowing.

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I agree with Rebecca. Sometimes I use a lot of soft oils and no water discount. Those batches are going to need more time before I cut. Sometimes I use a lot of hard oils and the batch will be too hard to cut if I wait too long!

And gelled batches are firmer and can be cut sooner than ungelled batches, which are sticky/tackier longer. The weather can also play a role -- in warm, humid conditions, I have to wait a bit longer to cut as the new soap is still too soft. In low humidity, I can cut sooner.

But generally speaking, I cut about 24 hours after pouring.

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