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I'm sooo bummed......


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Whats eveyone sending for shipping?

I specifically told her I didn't want candles, I wanted everything to go direct to the child's funds.

If I did order candles, and probably 3 or more, I'd send enough for flat rate with a request to see if it's cheaper to send regular priority to refund or just keep the difference.

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I'm overwhelmed you guys, definitely feelin' the love from my CT FRIENDS!!

Like I've told you, there just really are no words appropriate or that I can find to really show/tell you how much I appreciate the contributions that you have made!!!!!

BOY, dontcha know McKenna is gonna be sooooooooooo excited when she gets home??!!! :D :D :D Hurry up 3:30 so I can tell her!!!

You are the BEST!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!

What comes around goes around and you can bet that when/if someone else from here comes in need I'm gonna be the first one in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm overwhelmed you guys, definitely feelin' the love from my CT FRIENDS!!

Like I've told you, there just really are no words appropriate or that I can find to really show/tell you how much I appreciate the contributions that you have made!!!!!

BOY, dontcha know McKenna is gonna be sooooooooooo excited when she gets home??!!! :D :D :D Hurry up 3:30 so I can tell her!!!

You are the BEST!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!

What comes around goes around and you can bet that when/if someone else from here comes in need I'm gonna be the first one in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are more than welcome! It's nice to know that some people you've never met will help you out! :D

By the way, WHEN McKenna goes on the trip ask her to take some pics for us!

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Hey Michi ..... I sent you a pm hours ago but forgot to post here.

I didn't place an order either. I sent you a little something to help

McKenna out so she can go on this trip. ;)

I would love to try your candles ..... but another time when you aren't so busy and overwhelmed. K



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I sent a paypal with an order but then sent you an email to cancel that order and to use the money for the McKenna Fundraiser.

Please keep us posted if you have reached the amount so that if youre short, we can make up the difference somehow.

Make sure you buy a disposable camera so that she can take pics for us.

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Have I told you all lately how freakin' amazing you are!!?? :D

McKenna was in a state of shock I think when I picked her up yesterday and blurted out that all my friends at CT had just opened their hearts (and pocketbooks ;) ) and given her......DRUM ROLL PLEASE............

FOUR HUNDRED FORTY SIX DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As of this morning.....................................................................

We are only about $300 away from her goal!!! I don't have an OFFICIAL amount since I need to subtract all the shipping money from the total.

You have just totally floored me you guys, I was telling Bunny yesterday that I couldn't even get my makeup on b/c I couldn't stop bawling, and of course today I'm doing the same. I'm just sooooo emotionally happy, amazed, awed, and every other emotion I can think of!!!


I was telling my husband last night how you had all come out in full force to help McKenna get to her goal, and his statement was, "OMG Michelle, you have the BEST friends in the WORLD and you've never even met them!!!!" And he is sooooooooooooooooooooooo right, that's EXACTLY the way I feel. (bawling again!!) :D

I think I'm still in a state of shock!! LOL


I just can't say this enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sent you a paypal. Like some others, I don't want any candles. I can barely store those I make myself!!!!! :laugh2: I just wanted to help you get McKenna her trip. It will be an amazing experience for her, and your family here at CT wants to make sure she gets it.

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Oh, and I'll definitely be making sure she takes LOTS of pictures while she's there (gotta live vicariously through my kid since I've never seen any of those places myself!! ;) ) and post them here for all of you to see and enjoy what you worked to bring to fruition!!!!!! :D

I just KNOW I'm gonna be able to send that check on the 14th! :whoohoo:

Have I said THANK YOU lately!!??

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You are so welcome. I know I didnt send all that much, but hey, I know it will help in some way .. I remember by brother getting ill with cancer and I helped raised money for him from a group on a message board ( non candle related) .. Its so nice to see what kinda of nice people come out of the woodworks to help others. It makes you proud to know the people who help you. I am glad we are all able to help and who knows, you may get more from people so she can hit her goal. WOOHOO


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