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I use a combination of 2/3 KY all natural pillar/votive to 1/3 KY 125 soy/cottonseed blend. I can mold this or pour it into foils, the tops are creamy and smooth, it takes color well and the hot and cold throw is great. I call them melts.

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I have a mix I stumbled upon that is working great for tarts -

3 oz. paraffin

3 oz. Joy wax

10 oz. container soy wax (I have used several with good results - C1, Ecosoya, C3 - that has some stearic - some generic whatever from Michael's)

Consistently creamy looking, easy to color, and no frosting to date. No problems releasing tarts from molds. Do have to usually top them off with a repour, as there's a bit of a sink in the middle - or hit them with the heat gun - and am experimenting with a cooler pour.

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We have a pure soy that is perfect for tarts. It is the LP416. and has a melt point of 135. It is a pure soy so it is best to pour at a low temp. This wax will not flake and will pop right out of the molds. You can get it at either Aztec International (1-865-588-5357) or call Kris at gateway at 1-877-220-1963.

We also have a new blend, GW474, which is great for tarts and votives. It is a blend so it can be poured around 160. You can get a sample of this at gateway or makes Scents Candles.

Hope this helps,

Jason Glaser

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I had no clue, that the terds had tarts trademarked. How the heck can they do that, like example they use Honeydew Melon right, I bet that is trademarked to, but that is the word for that, they didn't come up with it by themselves, somebody else did years ago. I guess I'm going to have to brush up on my trademark info.

Thanks for the heads up,

Mindy :rolleyes2

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