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An easy way to rebatch


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Last night while watching TV I shredded up a bunch of soap that a friend sent me (thanks Diane!) to rebatch. This morning I was cleaning up after making candles and thought the Presto Pot would be a great way to melt the soap. I put the shreds in on low, added a bit of water, and stirred often. That worked out great! The longer it was in there the smoother it became. A great quick way to rebatch. I wanted to do some colors for confetti soap so I’m very happy with the results





These are the neon colors from RJ’s and black oxide.

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I love to rebatch, I'm crazy I know! I've been known to make soap just to rebatch it :P The colored ones are the neon colors from RJ's. I usually rebatch in the microwave and now it will always be this way :highfive: By the time I got to the orange it was pourable and smooth.

I don't think you can get a smooth like CP on a rebatch, at least I never have.

Thanks everyone. I figured a lot of you here would have a presto pot :highfive:

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Hi, i'm Laura from Sweden. I'm interested in soapmaking, but everything is so expensive here, that i'm thinking about ordering from american websites, so please i'd like to know what does all the abbreviations mean, please. Like the "neon colors from RJ", what does RJ stands for??

Thank you for your help,


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How much water would you add to a pound of soap shreds? The person I got mine from said to use 2 tbsps. but it just seemed to stiff. How would I determine if it needs more water?

It depends how "old" the shreds are. You bought shreds right? If they are real old I'd start with 2 tbsps and if it's difficult to stir once melted add just a bit more (maybe 1 tsp at a time). You don't want it real wet like regular CP soap. I added too much to mine and they are still soft.

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