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Brown Sugar & Fig Fiasco Pics!


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Here are the pics from my disappointing batch of CP with SC Brown Sugar & Fig that became soap on a stick. I had used a little TD and a smidgen of Pink Amethyst dry color in the lye water. Had to cook it in the oven in the soap pot and heat it up again in the slab mold.

Here's what it looked like out of the mold. Bleh! :embarasse


I mashed it down with my hands and then took a pastry roller to it trying to squish out air bubbles!

When I got home from work this afternoon I trimmed the bars up. It looks much better.


Now I just have to figure out what to do with the thirteen sizable soap balls I made from all the trimmings. :smiley2: I used one of them in the shower this morning and really enjoyed it. I love the fact you can use the soap right away if it's cooked. The scent is truly wonderful. I wonder what would happen if I tried it in one of my other recipes? In a small batch this time! :cool2:

I want to use it sooooo bad in CP! It's a delectable scent! :drool: Thanks for looking.

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I believe you can technically use CP after a couple of days, it's just that the bars will be really soft. Any soap will benefit from a cure time (even HP), but I usually use my CP right after I cut it. I always do the "zap" test just in case, but I've never had any zaps.

I'm too impatient to wait, so I always use my end pieces right away.

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Thanks, everyone! :smiley2: I was so happy not to have to throw it all away, because the soap itself is a good recipe and the scent is :drool: !

Elle, I've got a beveler - thanks goodness - but I used to do it free hand. There is no way they would look this even if I had to use my old vegetable peeler. All the "Nice save" comments would have been "Well, those look a little lumpy, don't they?" ...and rightly so! :laugh2:

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:smiley2: Marisa - The scent has stayed true so far. I hope that it remains as fragrant as it is right now. I may try another batch (smaller ) and add the FO to the oils before the lye as suggested in another thread to be able to handle the speed of trace better. I really don't want to give up on this FO and CP. Thanks!

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