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Update: 2-9-06 1:30 a.m. I have enough testers at this time. 01.gif

Looking for a few people who are familiar with "sugaring" wax depilatories (hair removal) to try out my new recipe and offer me feedback. If interested, please PM me with your name and address and I'll send some out to you.

Thanks so much!!

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Hiya Sara,

I'm not really sure that the sugar lends anything to the skin in this application, but as Bunny mentioned, it does lend to KEEPING your skin LOL

If you've never waxed before, this might not be the "test" for you lol!

I really would like people that are experienced "waxers" to participate in this as they are somewhat desensitized to the pain of it all and can focus more on the product's performance. It really is true, you do get used to the pain!!

I'd be happy to send some along to ya though if ya just wanna see what's what :)

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Oh no. Momma's done experienced waxing. Tweezing. The Epilady (do you remember that thing - LOL). Just never sugaring... I'd be happy to test some, if a non-sugared tester is OK. But didn't want to do it if you were looking for expert sugarers.

Sounds interesting!!

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I do my eyebrows all the time with wax. I have tried the sugaring methods before but didnt seem to work for me.

Can this be used on...well...lets just say "private areas"?

Well I don't know that I want to "market" this as such Kim, but my R&D dept informed me that it was tested on the more "delicate" areas with great success! lol;)

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Oh no. Momma's done experienced waxing. Tweezing. The Epilady (do you remember that thing - LOL). Just never sugaring... I'd be happy to test some, if a non-sugared tester is OK. But didn't want to do it if you were looking for expert sugarers.

Sounds interesting!!


Nah, don't need to be a sugar wax expert, just someone who is a PAIN expert LOL

I'll be sending it out in a day or two. PM me your addy girl!

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I'd love to be a tester if u need an extra! :smiley2:

Yes of course Terri! I'd love for you to test this out for me.

I think I've got about 10 tester peeps now so that ought to be enough.

Thank you all so very much for agreeing to try this stuff out. And remember, use at your own risk! LOL

Hopefully the beauty supply carries the paper strips as I prefer those. If not, I will include muslin strips and spreader sticks for you all. Please send your feedback to me via the PM system.

I plan to get this sent out to you all on Friday. It won't be any special packaging, just what I have available so don't feel the need to provide feedback on that 09.gif


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Will do Theresa!

I was my own guinea pig with this and I thought it worked great! Very curious to hear what everyone else thinks....

I'm doing some research now to determine what EO's (water soluble) would be appropriate for this. From my reading I've discerned that Lavender might be the best bet. Any thoughts from any of you EO gurus??

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Just throwing my name in there if you need additional testers! I think I've tried every wax on the market out there and have heard great things about sugar so I'm sure your product is wonderful! If you have enough... that's great but if you need more, I'd love to test! :)

Good luck!

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Yes Liz, please keep us posted on what the testers think. I find this interesting. The one time I tried to wax the private area, I left fingernail marks on the ceiling. Plus that area was a very pretty purple color for about a week. I didn't mind waxing my legs, but it takes too long for me. I can't sit still that long. :highfive:

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Wanted to give the newbies to waxing a few simple words of advice.

Do not wax your armpits. It hurts, you can't wear deodorant for days, and did I mention it hurts?

If you're gonna do the bikini line, you must have someone help you. Put on some ugly panties, and pull them to the line where you want your "triangle" to be. You're gonna get wax on them. It the hair is longer than 1/2 inch, break out the beard trimmer. 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch is ideal for the wax to grab the hair. Apply baby oil right after, it it'll only hurt for an hour or two if you're a newbie.

Apply with the grain, pull against the grain.

Happy waxing!

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I'll include instructions for waxing your LEGS! lol

If ya wanna get adventuresome and go on a waxing spree, then you're on your own from there peeps. When it comes to the more "sensitive" areas, i know what works for me, but then again, I'm into pain:p

(thanks for the great instructions bunner:yay: )

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The wax is all set to mail out today. Sorry for the delay but I had a last minute 30++ bear order to fill for valentine's day.

I've included application sticks, removal strips and instructions :)

You can provide your feedback to me via PM or email.

Thanks so much for helping me out with this!!

Terri and Sara I need your addresses. I seem to have misplaced them 22.gif

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Ok ive shaved all my life, never waxed.. All i can say is


What the hell was i thinking?

This shit hurts!!!!

But i do have hairless legs, well ok, just one hairless leg right now, havent gotten the guts up to do the other one just yet. LOL

Liz girl this is a keeper!! Im not just saying this either cause you my friend... And granted i dont have anything to compare it to but damn it worked!!!!

Good job!!

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