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Dont know how to deal with this!

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I am so upset! I had 2 people who I dont know (friends of friends) buy a few of my candles. The only candle they both got the same was my love spell. I have sold or given away alot of these. Well they both claim that there is no scent throw at all when the candle is lit. I didnt have this problem while testing and neither does the other 4 people who bought the same candles! I offered their money back.......NO they want different candles to replace the love spell ones. Which I almost considered until.......they went on to order a larger size candle, guess what scent!!!! Love Spell! Now this makes no sense to me at all! I guess if people are willing to lie to get free candles then I must have a decent candle and need not worry! Still they are making me look bad to potential customers. Sorry I just wanted to vent a little and see if anyone else has had this happen to them.

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I've had something similar. Be sure you get the original candle back. Tell them you've got to do some tests on it to see what went wrong...etc.

No mater what, I wouldn't just give them new ones and let them keep the old ones. That would be just asking to get scammed.

I might even tell them that I'm putting a hold on the LS, till I could solve the problem, so they could either swap them for another scent or get a refund. ;)

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If it were me, I would ask them to return the candle, then either refund money or give them a same size of a different scent, which appears to be what you were going to do. If they are not trying to scam you, they will return it. On the other hand, if they have big mouths and you think they will run you down to your other customers, I suppose I would suck it up and give them what they want JUST ONCE.

Some people just want to be squeaky wheels. They were probably spoiled brats as kids ;)


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Have I ever said I love this board? lmao

I agree, tell them you need to do some further testing with the batch of lovespell fo to see if there is a manufacture defect or something that they can return the candles and you will exchange for a different scent in the same size. If they ask how long testing can take....tell them up to 6 months. they wont wanna wait.

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I would definitely tell them that due to the poor reviews received from them, you have elected to remove LOVESPELL from your line (much to the disappointment of the numerous clients that have enjoyed that particular fragrance for years). I would be sure to thank them for bringing it to your attention and tell them you would be more than happy to replace the candles with another fragrance......(dont you have an old bottle of ROSE stuck in the corner somewhere? LOL )

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Don't give them a replacement until you get the candle back. People lie all the time to get free stuff and it's ridiculous. Now after they get the replacement candle, if they come back again and say there is a problem, then you should definitely take Top's advice. It would be well warranted at that point.

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Take the candles back, melt them down, add a little more fo and repour. If they wanted a larger size, charge the price difference. Since your other customers have been happy with your product, I doubt it's the candles. My guess is its the people and they're trying to get something more out of you since your "a little guy". They couldn't pull this with yankme. JMO

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Well, it can't be they don't like the scent or they wouldn't order the same scent. Did you by chance suggest that the larger size has a better throw? I am a bit stumped why they would order the same scent if they are complaining it has no throw? You need to stand up for yourself and ask them this question? If it makes no sense then why on earth give in to the request. The candles need to be returned and no you do not get a larger size in trade. If you allow people to run over you, you will be sorry because believe me people will have no trouble taking advantage of you.

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Until you get the candles back and see exactly how much they burned, etc. do not give them anything. I most definately would tell them you are not selling that scent again until you verify that there is a problem and it is corrected. If they tell you they threw them out, gave them away, whatever, I personally would tell them without the candles returned, there would be no refund or exchange... PERIOD!! Sounds like they are running a scam on you and you need to stand firm. Also, I have a statement on all my brochures, etc. that states without the return of the damaged or problem product, no refunds or exchanges are permitted. :cool2:

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I was all about doing the right thing. Offering their money back or exchanging the candles, until they wanted to order the same scent in a larger size. That is what completely threw me. I asked why they wanted to order that same scent if they were unhappy with it, still waiting on a reply. Maybe they are trying to think up a good reason or they have realized I am not completely stupid! I never thought to ask for the candle back.....I wonder how much of it has been burned. I will be asking for it back in exchange for a new candle of the same size. I think I will go ahead and let them order the Love Spell in the larger size, with the understanding that there will be no refund/exchange if they are not pleased. I wouldnt go to a bakery and buy a cookie, tell them I dont like the cookie then order a dozen more! I want to be professional about this but I dont think my product is the problem.

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