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Strawberry Musk


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I soaped SNC Strawberry Musk yesterday before the game. This is the first time my swirl has gone all the way through. WooHoo I kinda messed up some of the bars gettin them out of my brand new Kelsei mold (I love this thing) I was going to add SL and then forgot. I added full water and it is really soft.

I have no idea why the second picture won't resize. Sorry it's so huge.

Anyway here are the pics.


And out of the mold.


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Carrie, I love them...I can almost smell them, I am loving the mold, is that a 1 LB mold? I have got to break down and get one

This is a 2lb recipe and it is just perfect. I used 2lbs oil and 12oz water. It is wayyyyyyyy soft. I should have left it in the mold for another day, oh well.

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I have some liquid dye for CP, I added 3 drops to about 1/2 cup of traced soap and it turned that color. I don't remember where I got the dye, it doesn't say on the bag it came in and the label only says "for 8oz". I think it is supposed to be mixed with 8oz of water or something I can't remember. LMAO. It seems to work just fine by the drop.

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Well, the uncolored base is beginning to darken just a little.

epheme, the base color looks yellow in the pic, but I think it's only because of the black background. It was a basic off-white color. it is slightly darker now, but the pink streaks are starting to ash and it is giving it the most incredible colors. I'll try to take another picture soon.

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