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My updated website...check it out!

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I have been upgrading my site now for quite a while and I think it is almost done now! I still can't get the D@~! email to work on the contact page, but I will figure it out soon.

Please check it and I would appriciate your brutal honesty of your opinions.



Edited to add: I don't have a 'Rustic" look like most of you because I don't feel it would apeal to my customer base, what do you think?

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The look is different. Not sure if I like it or not.

WHether or not it's pretty, is subjective, though.

I *AM* impressed by the fact that even with all the eye candy, it renders perfectly for me. I'm running Linux with Mozilla. This tells me that someone actually knew what the hell they were doing. Most people try to get by throwing something together with FrontPage, or some such. Then the crap won't render properly on anything but IE.

I'm guessing you actually took time to run this through the w3c validator.


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Hey honey..

Under safety on the top, when you hover over it, the "burning our candles" doesn't fit in the dropdown.

Under testimonials, 3 and 4 are blank, I'd remove them until they are filled. Also, at the bottom of the same page, you have "submit you comment". An r would look wonderful in there!

Looks like you put a lot of hard work into it! WTG!

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On the comment section, the last sentence you said we want everyone.

I think you forgot " to know".I forget but check that part.I may be wrong.

Looks nice and since husband was in Viet Nam(Marines) and son was in the Marines 13 years ago these are nice.Very unique.


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I like the clean look and subdued color choices. Very subtle and appropriate.

Would love to have seen an example candle somewhere on the front page, to draw the viewer into continuing on to the rest of them that you offer. The candles are very impressive.

Very nice work! :highfive:

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Lookin' good Tom! Loaded OK here at home (Mac/Firefox). It even looked OK with my flash blocker extension - didn't get the nice heading, but everything still worked OK...

You do need some candle pictures. A little eye candy for the front page - even military types don't want to dive in to all that text.

I've forgotten which page it was one, but you had a little typo - "customers" was "customes"

Sorry your email script isn't working - those cgi programs are always a bugger to get going - I remember DH fussing over his.

I like! The spare look goes good with your subject.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback!

I have added a picture to the front page and added a line saying 'click on the insignia to view candle' on the page with the insignia pictures. I will make all of the spelling corrections as well.

Not sure how to add more pics...maybe a group picture instead of the flag for each branch, do you think that would help?

Keep the ideas coming it really helps!

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