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Flame Height Inquiry

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I am wondering... is it just me or does CD wicks produce very tall flames? It is just the second burn and in 4-5 hours the wick is a torch. The jar would probably explode if it burned completely down. So - my question is, if I am using the smallest wick that will fit in my jar, which is the CD 10, (the CD 8 is not tall enough) - what would be the next suggested wick type? Or since the recommended FO amount is 8% for that wax and I used 6 - does the amount of FO play a part in the height of the flame? 


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I'm confused by you saying the CD 8 isn't tall enough....I have 6-7-8-10-12-14 and up that all the same height, did you buy a shorter length because I guess I didn't know they had them shorter other than in the 3-4-5 for votives 

I use CD, it's by far the best wick I tested for my application and the flame is high at first but does settle down, if yours is getting higher the longer you burn you probably have to big of a wick or it isn't playing nice with your fragrance, or wax - have you used them before? What jar are you using with the dimensions? If your using 6% FO I wouldn't think that's the culprit because that is not overload, I use more like 9%

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My CD 10 wick is 5 inches and the CD 8 is 4 inches.  When I had ordered the CD 8's I wasn't sure and still am not sure if they have it in a longer length. I am using a 16oz. Mason Jar. The flame does not settle down, but gets taller and taller. -- I will look for another wick supplier and see if I can get the CD wicks at a longer length.


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On 2/4/2017 at 2:23 PM, Incendia said:


Perhaps you should trim your wicks.


I read her post completely differently. :) Amazing how our own personal experience impacts interpretations online.  It makes for great discussion and occasional misunderstandings.


While testing, I do marathon burns and document melt pool depth, width, and jar temps during the bout of madness.    I know many people fail to follow proper burn hygiene, so I want to be able to provide documentation of what happens to my candle during those sessions.  


It's so cool that you went with new chandler instead of marathon burns.  :icon_highfive:    I didn't even consider it from that vantage point


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On 2/4/2017 at 4:23 PM, Incendia said:


Perhaps you should trim your wicks.

Her wick is to big for her jar- she is questioning the height of smaller ones (cooler) in that series - her 8's are not tall enough for her jars as in the wick height not the flame height So trimming the wick won't make much impact as CD's Are self trimming wicks 

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The Wax is 6006, and the jar is standard mouth 16 oz. mason jar- the jar is like a small version of a mayonnaise jar. I do trim the wick, but I think what I am venturing to seek out is, if the FO / Wax combo do not play nice with the CD wicks, is there another wick that could be used in place of the CD or should I just not use that particular FO?


Edited by Grani L
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Try the LX series or premiers, CD Did not perform well for me in a similar parasoy but for that jar make sure the wick height is 8" or taller and try to buy from the same company all the time as far as wicks go....they are not all created equal with different manufactures 

I haven't worked a whole lot with premier to advise on size but wickit has charts to compare to other wicks within that range 

it sounds like with the CD you need to go down to a 8 or even 7 so look for premiers and LX comparable to those sizes to start with and I suggest getting some smaller and bigger 

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On 2/5/2017 at 7:07 PM, Grani L said:

My CD 10 wick is 5 inches and the CD 8 is 4 inches.  When I had ordered the CD 8's I wasn't sure and still am not sure if they have it in a longer length. I am using a 16oz. Mason Jar. The flame does not settle down, but gets taller and taller. -- I will look for another wick supplier and see if I can get the CD wicks at a longer length.


Something is wrong in Denmark there Grani with those odd lengths of wicks.  I think the company had a screwy employee who had a little too much to drink or smoke and cut those odd lengths.  They all should have been the same length.  Where did you buy them from anyway?  Do you always buy from them?  Moonshine's  suggestion of getting the longer lengths is most definitely correct.  I thought most standard lengths were around 6....I get mine from Flaming and they are 6" long.  So even the 6" length will work also in that jar as I use that jar all the time in the small mouth and I still have to cut off length....  I can't help you there as far as wicks go since you use 6006 as I don't use that wax.



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