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Supplier Apps!

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I was super excited when I went to Aztec's site yesterday to find that they now have an app! 


This makes it SO much easier since a lot of the suppliers websites are pretty outdated; I hope the other suppliers jump on the bandwagon!


On a side note, I actually just recently started purchasing from Aztec after a suggestion from grama here on the board. Peak has discontinued 4786 so I had to choose a new supplier. I'm really pleased with them; the 4786 stock is perfect and I am quite liking their FOs as well. 

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1 hour ago, Scented said:

Don't a few suppliers have apps? NG does I was thinking, but really wondering what's the purpose of an app? Update me :)


Good question!


Apps basically exist to simplify everything. For people like myself who use their phone more often than a desktop, apps provide a sleeker and more efficient layout than an old html website format. 


For instance, Peak's website is really outdated; it isn't mobile friendly, meaning for a smaller screen like an iPhone you have to zoom into everything just to read it. Which is tedious when you just want to scroll through their products. Apps obviate dilly-dallying on the website, leaving more time for actual candlemaking! 


Nature's Garden actually isn't a supplier I use but it's nice to know that more suppliers will be creating apps.


I hope this answers your question. ?

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I typically don't buy on my phone because of this. I once spent 1/2 hour trying to buy lip balm supplies from my phone and just gave up. Very, very frustrating! Although some supplier websites are mobile friendly the use of apps would definitely improve mobile sales. Its a growing niche smart suppliers need to fill if they want to increase their sales.


I often want to browse and sometimes make purchases while I am sitting at a market thinking about supplies I need and want to buy.... but don't until I get back home to my PC.

Edited by Candybee
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Yes, NG has an app - they've had one for well over a year, almost 2 or more now? , as does WSP (I thought?) and a couple others. Not sure the purpose because I won't use apps as I don't like using my data on my phone. 


To @jfear some of my best selling scents and fos to blend with are from Aztec. I love the quality of their oils. 

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2 hours ago, Jcandleattic said:

Yes, NG has an app - they've had one for well over a year, almost 2 or more now? , as does WSP (I thought?) and a couple others. Not sure the purpose because I won't use apps as I don't like using my data on my phone. 


To @jfear some of my best selling scents and fos to blend with are from Aztec. I love the quality of their oils. 


Yes, I love Aztec!


I hadn't realized those other companies had apps because I don't buy supplies from them; I was hoping Peak, RE and Flaming Candle will make some soon.

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I was just genuinely excited about the Aztec app; I'm aware that some other suppliers may have apps but I haven't shopped from those suppliers. As I had written above, apps simply make browsing and shopping easier. 


Apps may not be for everyone, but I use them and just felt like sharing. ?

Edited by jfear
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7 hours ago, Candybee said:

I often want to browse and sometimes make purchases while I am sitting at a market thinking about supplies I need and want to buy.... but don't until I get back home to my PC.

I agree.  Like to browse on my phone but I use my PC as well to purchase....the eyes ain't what they used to be, lol...hit 45 and gradually down they went....  So hard for a person who had 20/20 vision their whole life :) 


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JFear any update on your ice cream FO's . have you received any new ones. Aztec is very new to me. Id love to hear what any of your favorites are from them.

I love how your excited to share information with us, like the app :) Your very thoughtful :) 

Edited by Moonstar
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