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Fillmore's Nutmeg & Ginger as a blender?


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I'm really loving Fillmore's nutmeg and ginger in 464.  Has a wonderful throw.  So now this is another new fragrance to add to my line.

I was wondering what this could also be used with some other fragrance as a blender to have another new fragrance.  I think I saw somewhere where someone (I think Candybee) said she uses it for that?



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I believe I posted before that I blend it pumpkin or gingerbread for a fall fragrance. Kandlekrazy is right it can be blended with a lot of different scents. It should blend well with most fruits, spices, or bakery types.


Its very strong so if you do blend use sparingly and adjust from there. I had a blend of nutmeg & ginger with pumpkin souffle and called it Fall Splendor. I also blended it with gingerbread. I did each candle with a 50/50 blend of each. I ended up having customers tell me both of those candles smelled the same. That's why you need to be careful with how much you use. Its so strong it can overpower other notes.

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