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Room/body spray


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Hi everyone!

I've been trying to come up with a good recipe for room/body spray, but other than my FO I would like to keep the ingredients natural, if possible.

I've seen some ingredient lists from a few companies for their body sprays, and they mostly consist of water, witch hazel and FO. I've read that you are suppose to had a preservative if your products contain water, why are these companies not doing this? Is the witch hazel acting as a preservative? I've also read that distilled water is less likely to grow bacteria, mold, etc, however it's not impossible. 

I made a recipe with purified water and I added 15% witch hazel (14% alcohol), 8% FO, 8% polysorbate 80, and optiphen at 1%.  The witch hazel was almost overpowering the FO and my mixture was milky. How much witch hazel should I be adding? Also should I use polysorbate 20 or vegetable glycerin instead of polysorbate 80?

Does anyone have a natural recipe that doesn't need a preservative? 

Edited by KB12
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Witch hazel is sold in two versions retail: 1) the distillate preserved with benzoic acid and 2) typical grocery store variety alcohol preserved. These, like honey, are self-preserving when solo. Once added to other things into a blend the preservative in the WH is no longer considered sufficient to preserve the final product. Both versions of WH have an odor to contend with also.


I SMH when I see retailers and blogs indicate no preservative is required in water based products. If it does grow fungi, mold or bacteria spraying it aerolizes it so you are breathing the contaminants directly into sensitive tissues... 


perfumers alcohol at over 20% in a spray should act as sufficient preservative and help boost the scent into the air (versus falling to the floor) in typical water based sprays. 

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Regular alcohol? Isopropyl or drinking?


the ATF agency watches over drinking alcohol. We can't legally use drinking alcohol in products for sale without a liquor license. Perfumers alcohol is ethyl alcohol with bitrex to make is undrinkable. It is virtually scent-free and really boosts the fragrance into the air. Think perfume, cologne and eau de toilette.

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Are you selling it?  If not, I would use a vodka/distilled water at 50/50 (even 25/75 would work)  and add your fo as strong as you like.  I use eo at the ratio of 10 drops per ounce.  It does not stain linens so can be used as both room/linen freshener.  Essential oils fragrance will last longer with with the alcohol vs straight distilled water.

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Thank you for the responses. I would be making it to sell, so I'm unable to use vodka or everclear. I also heard that isopropyl alcohol is an irritant to the lungs. Is this true? I'm not against perfumers alcohol, I just really would like to use witch hazel. Currently, I use a base for my sprays, and I want to be a little more natural. 

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Perfumers alcohol is made from ethanol, the very same stuff as everclear and vodka. It just has bitrex added to make it unpalatable (people cannot drink it because it is so bitter. Bitrex is the most bitter taste known on the planet.). 



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Now I'm thinking I will just omit water entirely and use aloe Vera liquid in its place-- this way I might not have to use a preservative? I also read that emulsifiers like poly 80 deactivate optiphen. Is this true? 

What is witch hazels purpose in an application like this? Does it make the scent last longer? 

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I usually start with swifts blog:



then the retailers



The witch hazel in that formula you read has 14%  alcohol. People often read that as a preservative. Which is not tru once you add more water or other ingredients.


using aloe Vera might be tricky. Give it a try and see how difficult it will be to spray and the sticky mess it will make. 

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Here is the formula for the one I make for personal use. I just replace the Everclear with perfumers alcohol for a retail version.

The EO/FO modifier from rustic escentuals (aromahaven) works brilliantly to keep the blend clear.


Fragrance - 3%

AH/RE FO/EO Modifier (2, 3 or 4 times the fragrance - really depends on the fragrance)

Alcohol - 20% (everclear for personal, perfumers for sale)

water qs


if using a preservative, choose one that can be aerolized. some state specifically they should NOT. Some are not appropriate for water/hydrous products.



Blend FO/EO modifier with fragrance.

Add alcohol and blend well

add water - shake.


It should settle out perfectly clear and remain stable.


Amount of fragrance per product type from https://www.quora.com/Fragrances-What-is-the-difference-between-perfume-eau-de-toilette-and-cologne

perfume concentration.jpg



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