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Quality of suppies..

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Just a quick question. Im really curious as to the opinion of the FO's available at the Arts and Crafts store. Seems like that the quality isnt there, or wasnt there the last time that I had the notion to make candles. About 15 years ago. Am I right in my assumption or is this a "your mileage may vary" situation?


Im lucky that Candle Science is about 45 minutes from me, but when you only need one FO.. its a sticky situation.

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I remember buying some fragrance at a craft store when I first started out making candles and I couldn't smell anything. I then learned very quickly that if you want quality candle supplies you have to use a supplier that specializes in candlemaking supplies and has a good reputation for quality.

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I ditto what Candybee said.  You mentioned on your welcome page that you are 45 minutes from Candle Science.   Well, it doesn't get any better as far as having found a quality and well respected company such as them.  You are very lucky to have them near you.  Exceptional quality oils and everything else. So I would go with that company for sure for all your needs.  That's my 2cents! lol



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I don't think much has changed with craft stores in 15 years or when I got my start with that stuff in the 90s. I know the amount of what's there in my neck of the woods is slim pickings, but the FO is a rip off as are most of the costs for the stuff available there. 

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Just wanted to add that I am very impressed with the quality of goods from Candle Science. I have already placed another order. ;)


Meanwhile, I decided I couldn't wait much longer and started testing a couple "Very Vanilla" candles, and "Cucumber Melon" melt, made on Monday. Results so far show promise.

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24 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

What wax, jars, and wicks are you using?




4630 wax, 12 oz status, LX18, LX20, and LX22. I made 2 samples, one with the LX18 and one with LX20. I wasn't impressed with the 18, so I carefully jammed an LX22 in place. Did another burn test. Seems like the LX20 might be the winner.

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JMO but in my candle tests LX wicks didn't give me a good hot throw in container candles. I remember years ago someone mentioning they were designed better for pillars. Now on pillar tests I love LX wicks. On the pro side they burn nice and steady without a lot of flickering. So if you like it then don't change it but if you want to be sure try some other series wicks to see which you may like the best.


Each wick has its own design and function so some work better than others and have different burning characteristics. For containers I prefer CD as they give the best hot throw. But they do burn hot and curl as they burn so they can curl to one side and leave that side of the jar hot. On the pro side they are self trimming and if wicked right don't leave a large mushroom like some.


Zincs burn cool and gave me the ultimate in hot throw. But they can mushroom like crazy and that ends up making the wick flicker and dance. But you can always trim the wick and that eliminates the flicker. Pro side is the awesome hot throw and the cool burn so the jar stays cool.


Those are just a couple examples of wicks. There are lots of wick series out there to try. If you ever decide to go into business and start production you will need to test several series of wicks to find the best for your candle application.

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Thanks for the input. In my spare time I have been looking at other wick options. I have poured several more candles, for me so far, Very Vanilla and Red Hot Cinnamon (from CS) along with Crackling Birch (from NG) throw pretty well with an LX20.  Other scents (I wont list them all) don't throw to darn well with any LX option that I currently have. Something to point out, maybe coincidence, maybe not, but the 3 scents that throw well have NO dye added. Another issue is that the Very Vanilla seems to smoke a good bit with the LX 20. So LX may just be a dud for me.


The plot thickens..

Edited by FarmCandles
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