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Vanilla fragrance oils not blending?


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Last year I began this journey of making wax melts, using igi6006 wax, heated to 185 and added fragrance, cooled and poured at 145.  Recently I began using a mix of 425/427 and am working with the same temperatures.  I have purchased dozens of one ounce fragrance oils and have noticed several of the oils (maybe 8 in total) did not blend.  I would stir and stir and the oil would be spinning around in tiny little bubbles.  


If I poured it, the oil eventually pooled to the bottom of the container.   I soon realized these were all vanilla based oils or had vanilla in the mix.  So, I have been researching and based on what I could find on CS's website, perhaps I slacked on my temperature and it wasn't quite hot enough at times.   I want to note that I never had this issue with 6006.  I prefer 425/427 and that is the blend I have had this issue with.  I am not saying it is the blend itself, but perhaps 6006 is more forgiving.  Anyway...


From CS website Vanilla fragrance oil:  Note: Wondering why there is so much variation in feedback? We believe this is a solubility issue. The wax needs to be at 185 F when the fragrance oil is added or it will not go into solution. The result is poor cold/hot throw and a candle with all the fragrance oil pooled at the bottom of the container.


My question is, is it reasonable to think that I need to pay closer attention to my melt temperature and perhaps I went a little too low or is there something else I am overlooking?  If anyone can shed any light on this for me I would we very appreciative.


Thank you




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You want to add the fragrance when the wax is hot enough; (make sure your thermometer is working properly), stir gently for 2 minutes straight, let cool a bit, then every 10 degrees give it another stir for a little until you're ready to pour. Never had a problem....

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I am discouraged at the amount of oils that I am having this problem with, so I ran some tests this weekend.  I varied my temperature (higher and lower), warmed the containers, the oils and still had the solubility issues.  Since I am using 4625/4627 I tested each of those alone and still had same issue.  I ordered a slab of 6006, the wax I started out with a year ago.  I never had this issue with 6006 so I am going to try the oils that are giving me fits with this and see how it goes.  On a side note, I have a new macro lens for my camera coming this week so I'll be able to share things a bit better.  Thanks for listening :)  

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