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Tennessee's Dried Apple Wreath


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I wanted to check with others opinions on Tennessee's Dried Apple Wreath.  Since I'm ordering so much from them today and since they don't carry Mac Apple, Kimberlee just told me that her Dried Apple Wreath is a super replacement if I wanted for Mac Apple.  She said it is one of her very top sellers and smells like a fresh crisp apple.  I trust her judgement but just don't know if I should take the chance and use this in place of mac apple.  I won't be naming the scent mac apple for this new account but will be calling it crisp apple and the customer has never smelled it and is relying on my judgment and I do have to get it tested right away but I wanted to get others opinions also on this.  I have read nothing but all excellent reviews on this scent on the board here.  I did ask if there were spices in it and she said very little and that it smells just like a bright crisp apple.



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I have this scent and it is great but in my opinion it's not red Mac - I use CS for that one which is sweet pure apple

dried apple wreath to me smells like green apple jolly ranchers - tart with some sweet - it's a great scent and throws beautiful definite Apple but different than the usual red apple 

but that is just my opinion as everyone smells differently - I could be backwards in what apples should smell like! Lol

if your customer hasn't smelled one yet I would go for it because it is really nice 

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Thats just what I was thinking too Moonshine.  I too use CS mac apple but was a little hesitant.  And like you said, everyone smells differently.  I have never smelled a green apple jolly rancher.  She was going to send me a sample with my order, but I was trying to save moneyon shipping and go ahead and order the 4 to 5 pounds I need of this scent and let it come in with the rest of my order....but I just don't know what to do.

Thankyou for your opinion as this is what I was looking for.



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Apple harvest from CS is fantastic! it smells very much like a natural apple smell and not "candy". it also has subtle earthy undertone, i really liked it a lot.

(sorry saw that you were looking for advice on the scent from Tennessee since you were making an order)

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Thanks everyone for all your advice.  I'm glad I posted this thread.  I will keep my Mac Apple from CS for my order as it is what I thought what everyone said.  I will order just a pound of this though as it is so recommended and use it for another scent.



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On 2/8/2016 at 9:59 AM, Trappeur said:

I wanted to check with others opinions on Tennessee's Dried Apple Wreath.  Since I'm ordering so much from them today and since they don't carry Mac Apple, Kimberlee just told me that her Dried Apple Wreath is a super replacement if I wanted for Mac Apple.  She said it is one of her very top sellers and smells like a fresh crisp apple.  I trust her judgement but just don't know if I should take the chance and use this in place of mac apple.  I won't be naming the scent mac apple for this new account but will be calling it crisp apple and the customer has never smelled it and is relying on my judgment and I do have to get it tested right away but I wanted to get others opinions also on this.  I have read nothing but all excellent reviews on this scent on the board here.  I did ask if there were spices in it and she said very little and that it smells just like a bright crisp apple.



I'm late...but I wanted you to know that the TCS Dried Apple Wreath is as amazing in it's own way as the CS Mac Apple. but they definitely do not smell alike. Right now the only MacApple I use is CS.  On the Dried Apple Wreath ,like Soshiegirl above said, it has a potpourri type note in it and  I love it like I love their Cinnamon Broom Stick. I think it was Barbara AL that suggested mixing the Dried Apple Wreath with Spiced Orange...it is an amazing blend!!! :) 

Edited by puma52
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