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Seeping FO using 464

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I'm noticing liquid on the top of some pint jars and figure it is seeping FO. Is this dangerous to burn? They are intended for a sale this weekend. If I wipe the oil off the top, will they still continue to seep after awhile? I don't want to sell something that will catch on fire. Using 464 in pint canning jars. Should I poke holes and melt the tops? Or won't that help if the fragrance is causing this. This was a new batch of 464. Didn't have this problem with last batch. I did pour them this time at 130 instead of my usual 110. Safety is my main worry.


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That has happened to me a few times with  464 but I didn't sell them but saved them for myself.  After I wiped off the tops and burned them on the initial burn, the candle was fine and never did it again.  But don't take this as like an approval for things to be ok and sell them as I really don't know why it happened but it did. I used 6% oil...I didn't feel comfortable to sell them, thinking it might cause a fire...so just kept them.  What percentage oil did you use?



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This was the batch I made with 10% since I wasn't getting as good of a hot throw that I wanted with 7.5-8%. I checked this morning and there is no more seepage (I wiped the oil off, yesterday). Also realized it is with one of my new fragrance oils--RE's Apple Pumpkin Strudel. Wonderful fragrance! I won't sell those that I wiped. Would you not sell any of that batch whether they seeped or not?


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I don't use 464 but have had it happen with oils when I use too much.  Sometimes even the recommended amount is too much for the wax depending on the oil.  I was never able to

figure out if it was the heavier oils or just oils from a certain supplier.  I just cut back on those that seeped the next time and all was fine.

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Guest OldGlory

Without looking it up, I think 464 has a max FO load of 8 or 9%. If you can't smell it at 8%, you should probably not bother with it.

I am visiting my sister in TX right now and her sense of smell is nearly non-existent. What I can smell clearly she can't smell unless she is 2 feet away from the source. I can smell it 20' away.

You can't please everyone!

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I've seen it as 12% max but then that is from places like Candlescience, Nature's Garden, etc. Manufacturer's data sheet didn't have FO; at least the one I found. That is a good motto "if you can't smell it at 8%, don't bother with it"! lol

Enjoy your time with your sister, OldGlory!

KandleKrazy, I see this FO has almost 7% vanilla. Maybe that has something to do with it. I contacted RE to see what they say.


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That has happened to me a few times with  464 but I didn't sell them but saved them for myself.  After I wiped off the tops and burned them on the initial burn, the candle was fine and never did it again.  But don't take this as like an approval for things to be ok and sell them as I really don't know why it happened but it did. I used 6% oil...I didn't feel comfortable to sell them, thinking it might cause a fire...so just kept them.  What percentage oil did you use?



Yes, going to do the same. . .keep for samples at the sales. I need to be able to sleep at night, not worry if a candle is burning down someone's house. :)


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  • 3 years later...

Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Every single candle I make with 464 is seeping oil. I have tried different pour temps, different fragrance load, adding s-113, or adding coconut wax. Nothing solves the problem! It is hot and humid here right now. It’s becoming extremely frustrating. 

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18 hours ago, Kmmart said:

Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Every single candle I make with 464 is seeping oil. I have tried different pour temps, different fragrance load, adding s-113, or adding coconut wax. Nothing solves the problem! It is hot and humid here right now. It’s becoming extremely frustrating. 

Wht fo load are you using? 


 how long are you curing? Not much beats cure time. 


Orherwise i’d consider using a higher melt point paraffin or a higher melt point soy blend like 444 to help control the sweat/seepage. 

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2 hours ago, TallTayl said:

Wht fo load are you using? 


 how long are you curing? Not much beats cure time. 


Orherwise i’d consider using a higher melt point paraffin or a higher melt point soy blend like 444 to help control the sweat/seepage. 

We have done 6% fo load. The candles sweat within about 1-2 days. When it cools down during the evening the wax absorbs the oil only sometimes. So I’m assuming humidity is playing a role. However, if my candles are this sensitive to humidity I won’t be able to ship in the summer. 


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3 hours ago, TallTayl said:

Wht fo load are you using? 


 how long are you curing? Not much beats cure time. 


Orherwise i’d consider using a higher melt point paraffin or a higher melt point soy blend like 444 to help control the sweat/seepage. 

We had previously used c-3. We dealt with so many sink holes. So we started poking relief holes and doing a second pour on all the candles just to be safe. We have used this same process with the 464. I’m starting to wonder if that is what’s causing the seeping. It seems when we don’t do a second pour then they don’t seep. 

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