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Red lids for possible apple orchard

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Well, here are the lids I painted red to see what they would look like on the mason jar for the presentation I have to make to the apple orchard.


So which one does everyone like?


The first picture is the old timey lids that I would definitely have to spray red as they don't come in red.

I love love this style lid but the thought of spray painting them is exhausting just thinking about doing it.





Now this lid I can get from Filmore in the red.  It's the cheapy one.  I spray painted a lid of mine in the red to see what others thought.

It's a lousy paint job and is not the exact lid from Filmore, but close enough in style and color so we could see what it would look like on the jar.  It's really not bad, the style........





And here is the black lid.










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Well, here are the lids I painted red to see what they would look like on the mason jar for the presentation I have to make to the apple orchard.


So which one does everyone like?


The first picture is the old timey lids that I would definitely have to spray red as they don't come in red.

I love love this style lid but the thought of spray painting them is exhausting just thinking about doing it.





Now this lid I can get from Filmore in the red.  It's the cheapy one.  I spray painted a lid of mine in the red to see what others thought.

It's a lousy paint job and is not the exact lid from Filmore, but close enough in style and color so we could see what it would look like on the jar.  It's really not bad, the style........





And here is the black lid.










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Oh man, I didn't think that I would like the red "cheapy" lid when you were describing it. But seeing it, I REALLY like it.

It just gives it such a POP. And I don't think it looks cheap at all. The whole candle looks so classy/professional.

My humble opinion on the old timey lid sprayed red is that is doesn't "work". An old timey lid wants to look antiquey/old timey, and being bright red kind of contradicts that whole type of aesthetic. Does that make sense? But that's just my opinion! I just really dig the filmore lid

I think we are all really emotionally invested in you landing this account!!

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I love the red now seeing it but I wouldn't go thru painting the old time lids- too much time and extra expense IMO

The fillmore one looks great- I still personally like the black better but I would let them make the choice

I have no doubt your going to land this- your product is beautiful!

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I agree with Amanda - the old tyme lid in the black looks sleek & awesome, classy, but in the red.........not so much, IMO. 


The red Fillmore looks a bit ho-hum/plain for MY personal taste, but for your targeted market, well - they just may well love it. 


I personally still like the black old tyme lid the best - just looks more 'elegant' to me. 


But as all others' have said - now you can present them with the choices and maybe they'll go with both, who knows.  Just wishing you the best of luck!

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I've spray my lids in the past but gave up as it was more time consuming than I thought it would be.  Then if a few got nicked, I had to respray. . .  You have some great choices to present to your client.


If it were me, I would also present the choices with the same price not a lower price for the less expensive red lid.  Not sure if you were considering this or not.


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Wow, everyone does like the red lid.......that makes me feel good...it really does..gives me hope that maybe they would too....


You all crack me up with the renaming, to the economically advantages lid to the now plan to present to them a couple choices.  And like everyone has said and I've said too there is a lot of extra work to painting a lid and it's just not worth it.  So now I can finally do the presentation of the black old tymy lid and the red "economically advantages" lid.  The black lid is 59cents and the red is 30cents....so you think that I should price the jar the same for either style?  I never thought of it like that like you said Goldie....  There is only 30cents difference so I guess it doesn't really matter?  Hmmmm...


Now all I have to do is figure out what fragrances to offer.  Old Glory said I should probably go with about 15 of them.  I have a list started.  

Mac Apple                     CS

Baked Apple Pie           Aztec

Apple Strudle                Indiana

Balsam Fir                     Filmore

Peach Nectar                CS

Blackberry Sage           Aztec

Vanilla Voodoo            CCocoon

Some type of clean cotton, etc.....(I love Lux Linen from Community Candle)

Wildberry Mousse        CS

Strawberry Jam             Can't remember where it was from

Birthday Cake               Kentucky (Now Rustic)

Lavender or Lav. Vanilla    CS

Need a few more....


This is great with everyone's help....


Any more suggestions?





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Wow, everyone does like the red lid.......that makes me feel good...it really does..gives me hope that maybe they would too....


You all crack me up with the renaming, to the economically advantages lid to the now plan to present to them a couple choices.  And like everyone has said and I've said too there is a lot of extra work to painting a lid and it's just not worth it.  So now I can finally do the presentation of the black old tymy lid and the red "economically advantages" lid.  The black lid is 59cents and the red is 30cents....so you think that I should price the jar the same for either style?  I never thought of it like that like you said Goldie....  There is only 30cents difference so I guess it doesn't really matter?  Hmmmm...


Now all I have to do is figure out what fragrances to offer.  Old Glory said I should probably go with about 15 of them.  I have a list started.  

Mac Apple                     CS

Baked Apple Pie           Aztec

Apple Strudle                Indiana

Balsam Fir                     Filmore

Peach Nectar                CS

Blackberry Sage           Aztec

Vanilla Voodoo            CCocoon

Some type of clean cotton, etc.....(I love Lux Linen from Community Candle)

Wildberry Mousse        CS

Strawberry Jam             Can't remember where it was from

Birthday Cake               Kentucky (Now Rustic)

Lavender or Lav. Vanilla    CS

Need a few more....


This is great with everyone's help....


Any more suggestions?





Is there a big difference in the apple scents you have listed? I don't know what they smell like, but if there is very little difference in them -  maybe drop one of them?  Perhaps you can use scents that corresonde/compliemnt the types of pies, jellies they sell - I see you have some listed already.  Maybe throw in a couple of more 'nature' scents - a 'woodsy' one, like Mountain Lodge, for example.  I heard from others that one called Wild Mountain Honey (I *think* this is the name?) is good, but I personally have no idea what it smells like.  Hope this helps.

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Love the red lid and love the black lid. I would take both and see what they say. 

I like your scent line up all except the lavender. I know it's a popular scent, but with all the foodie scents you have listed it stood out to me as an eww... However, I don't like lavender so that also could be influencing my thought process. 


Good job. You are going to nail this! 

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Guest OldGlory

I definitely like the Fillmore style red lid for this application. I think it will be more visible, more eye catching. I am imagining them on a shelf in a larger room and the red helps them stand out and draw attention. It will be a good option to have.

As for the fragrance options, I suggested having 15-ish tested and ready to present. They probably won't choose 15, but it's a starting point and it gives them options. I would have a few apples in the mix, and a nice selection of others, like a peach and a few other fruits, something clean, a vanilla, etc. I think a Balsam type is always a good option in mountain communities. It's a best seller in my stores.

The sweet potato and brown sugar at Aztec is also a winner in soy.

My fingers are crossed for you.

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I would price them the same using the more expensive Lid of course

A smoke and odor fragrance would be a good one to choose and since its an orchard I would add some florals also- apple blossom, lilac or honeysuckle

Lavender sage is super popular around here - dune grass or hayride and maybe a patchouli to go with their Fall themes- pumpkin or sugar cookie

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I agree , the red lid contrasts so nicely with the creaminess of the wax and coordinates with the label beautifully.  I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but after seeing it on the container, it works!  (I too think that spray painting lids is more hassle than it is worth.) 

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