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Domain Help.....Please!!!!


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I just went to godaddy.com to see if my name was taken and sure enough it was :(, now what do I do?:undecided

True enough I could use an alternative but I want the original version. So should I back order and wait until April when it expires or could I contact the person that has it, and demand it back :laugh2:

and if I do contact the person what do I say???

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

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It looks to me like someone registered this name, to make sure THEY didn't lose it. It didn't appear (at first glance) to be one of those broker people that buy and resell domains, which is what happened to the domain name I wanted. That is if I looked up cozyaromas.com

You can try to "backorder" the domain, so if the person doesn't renew, you can get it. Or try a slightly different version.

I ended up putting a hyphen between my business name so I could still have the .com part...

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My DH runs an ISP and is a comp. tech. Most of the time when someone buys up a domain they will not sell it.. If you want that domain that badly you can try to contact them, but usually they will not let go or will want some ungodly amount of money for it.. either cause they know you want it or they really want it. you also run the risk in contacting them of letting them know you really want it and then they will make sure it never expires if they are just trying to make money off the name.

Try the backorder thing.. and in the mean time you can take trish's idea and use a hyphen or underscore or go with a .net, .org.

One thing to know.. make sure that whenever you are ready to buy a domain and go to do the search to see if it is taken you buy it right then if it is available... There is a nasty little game that goes on there... whenever you search for a domain there are people out there who watch... and as soon as someone does a search for a domain, and doesn't buy it while it was available they will buy it up in the hopes you want it badly and will pay them a lot for it. Learned this from my DH and I have seen it happen to people a lot!

They search for a domain they want.. it is available.. they say ok.. I will get it in a couple of days.. they go back to get it and it is gone. So make sure you are ready with credit card and all when you are searching and if it is there.. nab it!



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checked out the domain for you.. was registered 4-30-05 and expires 4-30-06... went to the site and is just a this site is parked free by go-daddy.com page.. so no web work done on it.. So they are either waiting for someone to want it.. or things didn't pan out for them.

Tried to do a lookup based on email and the email addy is no longer valid.. you might just put in a backorder and wait it out. In the mean time I think the hyphen would work.


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I would suggest a different extention or a kozyaromas but wouldnt recomend the - hyphen - simply because it will limit your advertising down the road. here is the info for the owner if you wish to contact them about selling it. it just got moved to godaddy on dec 10th. so they either just bought it or maybe went belly up or are having a site done. It may be worth asking maybe the website didnt pan out but they wanted it to park at godaddy for free instaed of paying for hosting. I myself would do cozyaromasonline.com


Cozy Aromas

512 Jacaranda

Fullerton, California 92832

United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com (http://www.godaddy.com)


Created on: 30-Apr-05

Expires on: 30-Apr-06

Last Updated on: 30-Apr-05

Administrative Contact:

Chavez, Karen kchavez40@yahoo.com

Cozy Aromas

512 Jacaranda

Fullerton, California 92832

United States

(714) 992-5413



Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com

Referral URL: http://registrar.godaddy.com




Updated Date: 10-dec-2005

Creation Date: 30-apr-2005

Expiration Date: 30-apr-2006

Technical Contact:

Chavez, Karen kchavez40@yahoo.com

Cozy Aromas

512 Jacaranda

Fullerton, California 92832

United States

(714) 992-5413

Domain servers in listed order:



Registry Status: REGISTRAR-LOCK

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Mindy you can look up info on a domain by going to a registrar and doing a who is search for the name.. if it is taken it will show who owns it and give contact info. Then you can actually just type it in your browser and go to see if any page is actually there or if it is just a place holder.

but if you do a who is.. then that is equivilent to a search and if you want it you better get it, cause it will be taken soon after the search is done.

As far as the company's name being different that really doesn't matter cause U.S. copyright law does not protect domain names... although some names do qualify for a trademark and you have to go through the patent office to get that.

here are some links to help out with info on cybersquatting and trademarking.. just FYI:

Domain Name and Trademark FAQs


More info :


CyberSquatting: What is it and what can be done about it




ABCs of Domain Trademarking




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I really like cozyaromasonline.com, and kozyaromas.com, I think I will snag these two up. I will still backorder cozyaromas.com, who knows she might not renew, it's just a risk I will take. ;)

I have learned alot from this forum, I knew I could get some helpful advice....thanks again!!!:)

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I did what Trish did for a year but didn't want to be the same name so changed this year.I let it lapse.Also had the .com.My husband kept saying you HAVE to come up with a new name but I was so upset and said NO then he came up with the idea and said How mad are you?I said REAL mad and then said let's do it this way.__________ __________-_________.Well is is gone now and think someone took the new hyphen name I came up with.Fine with me.I learned best not to put your name out there.I even talked to a web designer company and they said someone goofed.I am sure too because it said it was AVAILABLE.I still say more money got it.For sure.

UUUUMMMMMMMM GoDaddy was my problem too.


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if she doesnt renew until april that godaddy may keep that name for up to another year. People dont understand that part of it. If someone doesnt renew in april that doesnt mean the name is available. They will first hold it for between 30-60 days to wait and make sure it wasnt an oversite then which means they have already renewed it for another year. Then they will sell it back to the original owner after 30 days for more money if it was an oversight or get rid of it if they can but the fact is godaddy probably pays about .25 for a domain name if that.

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Stacy DH-

I really never thought about it like that, thanks for warning me in advance, because I know that if April came and she didn't renew, I know I would've had my hopes up high, thinking I'm about to get the domain I really wanted. ;) It's best that I choose the alternative then I don't have to worry about if she decides to renew or not.

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I would choose kozyaromas.com, not kozyaromasonline.com simply because the last one is too long.

I wish I could find an email I received from a friend to show some examples. It was a bit about internet websites, and basically showed how people lose out on business because no one ever finds them due to their site's name, and the funky spellings and dashes they used that no one could remember or figure out.

Sometimes you have no choice, but the best plans are always the most simple plans, I think.

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Guest EMercier

Instead of changing your name with the first initial being a K, keep it as it is, but do Cozy-aromas.com That way, if you give your information out, people won't be confused with the names. If you plan on changing names to Kozyaromas, Then that's different.

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The only way I can see Kozyaromas.com working for you is if you had a kickass logo with a giant K on it so that there would be NO mistaking how your business name is spelled. Otherwise, the cozyaromas site will get all the business, and unfortunately that probably means some of the business that was meant for YOU...which would totally suck. I am normally not an advocate of spelling C words with K just to get the domain name you want, but if you're set on keeping that name, then it may be what you need to do. I would completely stay away from the hyphen..that's the biggest mistake you could make. Cozyaromasonline is very long, and would be difficult for the average person to remember. If it were me...I would go through the hassle of completely changing my business name to get something unique. If that's not an option, please consider that if you are going to use the K to make your logo memorable enough so that folks won't forget it's spelled that way.

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If it were me...I would go through the hassle of completely changing my business name to get something unique.
I tend to agree with PrairieAnnie. Before I registered my biz and bought a domain name, I had 3 choices ready. In case the 1st choice was taken, I had 2nd and 3rd choices, all of which are different names and not variations of the 1st one.
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I really don't like alternating a C for an K, but I really like the name...it's a name that's embedded in my brain, especially with my logo, I have in mind. I think using a K will give me a more country feel. Afterall, I want people to have a sense of coziness and comfort when they use my products. Like the coziness you feel when you sit in front of the fireplace with a great book. Another name for me won't do, it's going to be cozyaromas, just not sure how I will spell it, this sure does suck!!!!!

And I don't really want people to confuse my site with the site of the other cozyaromas. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, what is a girl to do. :undecided

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I totally agree with ya, I even thought about czyaromas, but that might get confused for crazyaroms. There are people that know who I am so I don't neccessarily think by changing my name from a C to a K will make me lose customers. I think it's just a lot to think about. I don't want it to be to hard so customers will forget, kwim?

What about cozyarom-ahhs (even though it has the evil dash in it)?

The thing is, if people are going to look you up, they likely already know your name. If they don't know about you, then it is more prudent to use the C for cozy.

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How about cozyaroma.com, thecozyaroma.com, cozyaromaz.com.

None of those appear to be in use at this time.

I'm with you about not changing your company's name. It's ridiculous to think about it, once you've got your license in place, and people have already bought your products--it would be foolish to change your name just for a website domain.

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