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How do you handle complaints?


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I just got my first complaint. Of course, it's from someone that I went above and beyond for. :angry2: Typical.

I have been a testing maniac and I know which ones don't burn we'll, as they aren't on the shelves!! I'm asking her which one she burnt so I can burn it too and see what I get on the off chance I missed one.

Why does it always have to be the ones you go the extra mile for? Should teach me not to do it anymore!!? :rolleyes2

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Just heard back from her, the scents she is having issues with are super strong to me. I burnt the one on Monday, in fact in a plug in and it over powered from the bathroom and I had to turn it off. The other one, baby clean, I had a tester tell me it was so strong she could only burn it a couple hours and then she had to turn it off and open the windows, LOL!!

Soooo, what the heck do I do here?

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Not much. You can't please everyone, no matter who you are & how thoroughly you've tested. It happens to all of us at some point. Some unhappy smellers just have a taller platform to voice from. If you've posted a policy that you will accept returns unconditionally, then you have to honor that. If not, kind of up to you.

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So frustrating!! I did confirm she's burning in a plug in warmer, which is what I have the one in right now. I have no clue how she went through 2 melts already because m melts last FOREVER in the plugins. I actually had a tester ask me when she can dump it out because the scent just wasn't going away!!! Most of the time I dump the wax from those because I'm bored of the scent, not because it's melted away!

I don't understand. It's a bit deflating, especially before this huge show. :(

Edited by QTsmum
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Thanks! :) I have to learn to turn off my emotional side. :P I think when you put so much into something, it's hard not to take it personally. I'm going to have a friend test these out in her plug in to, just because I want that peace of mind. It's funny that you can have 100 good reviews and 1 bad one, but it gets to you so badly!!! :S

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Tastes and scents are such an individual thing. I love cinnamon but if my son gets just a slight whiff of it from another room it gives him a headache.

It's good to go the extra mile for your customers but try not to cater to the 1%. That will run you right out of business. Sorry that scent isn't for you. Perhaps it doesn't work well with your application. Possibly exchange it for another scent or refund and politely parts ways. Handle them with respect and keep pleasing the other 99.

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Guest OldGlory

I've been in retail management forever. Big companies cave right away because they want the customer back. It's a different story when it's just you and your small business.

Did she complain that the scent isn't lasting long enough?

Is she a smoker? Sometimes they can't smell things.

Does she have a cold? ditto

Does she have an air intake system near where she's warming the wax?

Point is, there are lots of reasons why someone doesn't experience things the same way you do. What I do is apologize and offer a refund, and then I don't sell to them again. Lesson learned.

And... some people are simply pushy. Best to steer clear of them.

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Her initial message was "I find that your scents don't smell as strong or last as long as some the ones that I typically use.....how come?"

I don't know why she would have to go through 2 melts in 2 days burning in a plug in. I have had one of the ones she is complaining about on for about 12 hours over 2 days and its still really strong. My sister uses a scentsy warmer and used the other scent she complained about and she said it was great. Obviously something isn't working on her end. I don't know.

I have a tester who uses a plug in bulb in a full size warmer and was getting 30-40 hours per cube!!! So, it's not like it's just me going by my own word, ya know??!

I asked her if the cube is fully melting. I did offer to bring her a single cube of Amish Quilt to try, since that scent lasts forever and will blow the doors off your house. Then I would kind of know that it's something with her set up, though I assume that's what it is now anyways.

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Her statement to you is setting the tone for an argument. She's goading you. Simply write back that you would be happy to exchange her melt(s) for new one(s). Simple. No need to refund or tell her about all your testing, blah, blah, blah. You know your product is good so stand behind it and offer to replace it at no charge.

You could ask her to return the product to you and you will give her a replacement. This way you can test the product out and also see what condition its in. With a melt its best to just offer a replacement. If its a candle I want it back to see and test it.

Every now and then I replace a product but it doens't happen very often and usually the customer is so happy to be respected and treated well they become repeat customers. But I never offer to refund and never had to.

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I totally agree with Candybee! Wonderful advice! She really is setting you up for an argument, unfortunately. Offering a replacement is the best way and the most simple. Obviously your products are awesome and you certainly don't need to defend them to her. This is definitely the down side of having a business! Best of luck to you!

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I agree, I had to sit on it a little while before replying because I was a bit caught off guard!!! I told get to try reindeer poop, which she bought and I know is also a super strong throws and has great longevity. She lives a bit out of town but in going nearby on Friday and if there's still an issue, I'll just refund her and pick up the melts. No point in having any bad blood this early in the game!!

Eta: she seems like her attitude is better, so we shall see!!

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