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made in usa taking a turn, finally


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This is more about a trend I am hearing of that relates to multiple things incl candles.

I have multiple Chinese students at our school..like 20 plus just this year. These students pay a king's ransom to go here and therefore are wealthy. Their parents tend to be based in China and run factories plus import export. I was talking with them about why Chinese products have quality control issues ...lead in toys, wicks, melamime scandal, etc...we also talked about why they flood the market etc in some underhanded trade practices.

They said that Chinese companies are all about volume vs quality and of course they talked about the govt role in spreading of Chinese goods. This did not surprise me but the following did:

They said that among the upper middle class and wealthier set in China it is very prestigious to buy Made in USA products. Given the choice many Chinese would buy US vs China. They told me they were surprised that people here weren't buying more US made. They said that US made stands for quality made in China, hence higher price and more prestige. The same applies for items made in Germany etc. I talked about the cheap Chinese candles at a local store. They said that if a US made shop were to set up in downtown Shanghai it would do really well despite high prices. Of course I told them it is not that simple esp with the way Chinese govt puts intellectual rights on businesses going there. They also said Chinese companies have been buying some US businesses so US made can be brought back to China.

One more funny thing. Any time the students say something negative about Chinese govt they look around room and lower their voice. They cannot believe that people here can go into Wash DC and blast the president.

Back to the issue...are people willing to pay more for a US product? I think the times are a changing. I bought a rolling cart at home depot. I found a US made one with a big sticker advertising it as being made in USA. I bought it. It was less than 10 more than the overseas made one.

One of my wholesale accounts actively markets their products (incl mine) as made in usa. She thinks it helps.

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Absolutely..... the trend is turning to spending money on locally made products, USA, state, city.

Our wholesalers market our products as USA, Minnesota Made and our labels show hand crafted in Minnesota.

Many of our products carry a state logo because I use locally grown/produced/harvested ingredients in creating my products. Definitely adds product value..

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I go out of my way to buy USA as far as I can afford it. I will shop around for almost everything I buy, and if I see an item that is the same or better, even for more money that is made in the USA I will buy the US one. Even if I have to wait and save a little more money it means a lot to me to buy US.

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That is interesting what the Chinese girls had to say about American made products.

Here in Virginia crafts made in Virginia are big. I always put my hometown name on my products and signage. I actually like that better "Made in Virginia" rather than "Made in USA".

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Yes, that's quite true. You said it in your post, Made in Germany is also quite attractive for the Chinese upper class (but only for them as they have the money, of course)....maybe I should offer my stuff over there?

Here in Germany people don't seem to be especially proud or something like that of products made in their own country. Cars, yes. But not much else beyond that. Here people don't even care what they eat as ling as it is cheap as hell. They don't buy that crap because nobody has the money for better quality but because food has no worth for them. It only needs to make you full. Of course many people have to deal with financial tightness, but there are many, many people who have the money for expensive holidays, often more than twice a year, their cars, their houses, their clothing, etc. And these are the people who can afford extras like expensive candles - they wouldn't buy mine, because it is not fancy, not exotic enough, not from abroad like the US or UK (even that stuff from Yankee but also brands like Molton Brown, Diptyque etc.).

So, guys, start marketing your products in Asia!

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Yes, I was raised in Austria and don't recall that Austrian pride as far as made in Austria. Even our school notebooks and fountain pens were msde there but it was never highlighted from a marketing standpoint. I think we have the made in usa pride here bc so much of our product was offshored in the 80s and 90s. Then the scandals came with Chinese products. Then the manufacturing jobs tanked. People developed a nostalgia for it and saw the true cost of off shoring. Until most products in Germany are no longer made in Germany I don't think you will see that trend for some time. In the UK I saw the marketing "made in gb". But I also saw careful wording. E.g. a tea towel would be Designed in GB but it was actually made in China on the label. I saw a lot more Made in Scotland pride even from jams to drinks. Maybe since the Scots feel like a marginalized people.

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