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Integrity Candles

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Haven't personally tried them but I too have seen a lot of positive comments. Good for them! However, the "secret process" and "extra scent" is a lot of hype. Anyone who has been in the candle biz for any time will tell you that you can only put so much scent in. Wax is only made to hold so much. When some of these companies say triple scented, that's baloney. Just a saying that's been used for years. My philosophy is just put as much scent in as will give a great throw and let the product speak for itself. And, obviously it is doing just that since they get good reviews.


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I tried their candles a few years ago, but only one scent. It is a nice candle, but not any better than any other good candle. They are one of the reasons I found this board. Not because their candles were so amazing, but because I was obsessed with finding a pumpkin pie similar to their pumpkin pie. It is one of those elusive scents that I havent been able to find (even posted about it in the ongoing thread about giving up on finding that one scent). However, it is not a typical pumpkin pie type of scent that we are all looking for. It has no spices, lots of pie crust & butter, and maybe even a hint of some maple. I dont even know if I would associate it with pumpkin pie if I had smelled it without knowing what it was supposed to be first. But it is a really good scent. I have about 4 of their large pumpkin pie candles sitting in a cabinet as a backup for times when I become desperate. LOL.

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Big candle companies have their scents custom blended so they are unique. Doubtful you will find the scent unless you can find a good dupe. So it will never be quite the same.

Instead of trying to copy a scent blend one of your own. I can't tell you how many customers come back to tell me they love a particular scent and I know they can only get it from me because I custom blended it myself.

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Some of their scents look like enchanted lites FO.

Thanks for the suggestion. Do you use any of their FO's.


I totally agree with creating your own blends which I do quite a few, but I really love this particular pumpkin pie. I do have a spicy pumpkin, but this one doesnt smell spicy to me and is just so yummy. If I could just find this one, although I am afraid they probably do custom blend it..... Also, I should mention that I do not sell, so this quest for the PI Pumpkin Pie is simply for myself.

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Had my g/f in Syracuse NY find these candles on a shopping trip. She burned a couple, said there was nothing overly special about them other than they are EXPENSIVE and she sent me a couple. Burned well, no hang up, not any more heavily scented than my own. It's all in the advertising hype and that ya can make people believe that A is better than B :)

Edited by SherriLynn
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  • 5 months later...

Hi Dessa,

I sent in fresh Balsam from Bath&B small sample of the wax from the candle, as I looked everywhere for it no one had one even close, savon on scents hit it right on the nose, they don't have integrity pumpkin pie scent, you have to send in a sample and they make the oil from there, the cost isn't much and they don't have a huge minimum. and always buy extreme when you can as it is soooo worth the extra money.

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