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When I make a trip to PA to pick up supplies I stop at CandlesandSupplies (soap supplies & FOs); then on to Candlewic (palm wax and wicks); then to Fillmore Container (jars & more FOs). I just make it a day trip. With one tank of gas it sure beats the heck out of paying for shipping.

I use palm wax and its cheaper at Candlewic. But C&S has such a huge selection I'm sure you can find one or two you like. They also have a ton of wicks and lots of glassware. I usually buy my wicks at Candle Science (CSN) or CW (RRDs). I only use soap and lip balm supplies and FOs at C&S. They actually have the best organic lip balm base I have used and I've tried lots of others.

One of these days I would like to stop at Backwoods but think its in another section of the state.

Edited by Candybee
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Wow Candybee! I thought I had it good being within driving distance of Daystar, Texas Candle Supply, Houston Candle Supply and Bittercreek south! LOL! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but the only one that has a showroom or store front is BCS. The others, except HCS don't sell wax or jars, and they don't sell the wax I use.

I'm green with envy LOL!

If I had only known last July that I was going to be obsessed with FO's and wax I would've stopped at some of these other places while I was in Pennsylvania on vacation! Sigh!

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i'm not that close-- its a 4 hr drive from VA to C&S. So a round trip is 8+ hrs. So I turn it into a day trip. It still saves me a boatload of shipping. While they do have showrooms CW and Fillmore ask that you order ahead. C&S you can just drop in.

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I wish Daystar and Texas Candle Supply carried more things. Daystar is only 10 minutes from my house and TCS is about 25. BCS and HCS are about an hour.

I've been meaning to plan a trip to Houston to BCS but haven't done that yet. I absolutely hate Houston traffic! HCS is actually a little closer but I don't think they have a show room and to pick up from them at their warehouse you have to order a certain amount and if I'm not mistaken you have to order ahead also.

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I have order from them before order their scent special shipping was ok for 5 2lbs bottle. shipping was quicker then i thought it would be I had to call order in because website wasn't working. I used

fedex because on their website it states that the mailman doesn't pick up packages everyday

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