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Big messs pls help

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OMG I definitely feel like idiot.*faint* I made a pillar last night and put a screw in the bottom of it thinking it would just holed and I thought wrong. I had the biggest faucet under the mold.:angry2: I was freaking out I didn't know what to do. The mold was sooo hot I couldn't touch it. I grabbed a pot holder and put it back into the presto, what a HUGE MESS I had.

I tried again w/screw and duck tape n it did it again but very little bit.:angry2:When finally made it hubby drilled a hole through it n I wicked it and wick was to small.

Nature of the beast.

Well ? would be is it better to just plug (some how) n drill or should I use wick pin? Should there be a tab on the bottom? Should I put the wick pin inside the mold? Where would I put the putty on the bottom under the wick or on top (where do i get the putty)

I am sorry this is so long but I don't want to go through this again. If anyone could help w this I would greatly appreciate it.

Please please please help me. UGH

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Oh, I've been there. Wax on my desk, wax on the floor, wax on my shoe. I tried every way that I read about to wick my molds. I did the wick and putty and then the putty just clogged the wick. I pulled my wick as tight as I could, and it still relaxed inside the mold and was moved to the side when the paraffin contracted and I had a wick that was crooked.

I have used wick pins ever since. I love my wick pins. I use them from the outside of the mold, so the pin is inserted into the hole and the mold sits on the base. I use putty between the pin base and the bottom of the mold. However it will take some time before you find the "sweet spot" of how much putty to use. I used too much and then the molds slowly tilted when I poured and heated everything up.

If you have a way to drill each pillar, great. I don't have that and I'm not sure what it looks like in the end.

Putty can be bought at and candle supply that sells molds. Michael's may even carry it in their pitiful "candle making" section. They carry everything but what you actually need (in my opinion). All of their prices are so jacked that you need a 50% off coupon to make any price reasonable.

I personally wick my pillars with wick that I prime myself in beeswax and then I crimp a tab onto the bottom. Once I have the sizes that I will use the most for each pillar I plan on ordering the wicks custom from CandleWic so that I can order a tall tab. I do know that many believe you should have the wick cut flush to the bottom of the pillar so that the wick falls and extinguishes itself in the final burn. If you wick the pillar then this is possible, but not if you use wick pins.

There is a learning curve, keep at it and you will be able to do it in your sleep! Either that or you will just have candle making nightmares. :grin2:

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Thank you so much for your reply. My wax was everwhere too, now it's funny :laugh2:but at the time UGH.LOL. I am going to put in a order at peak right now and buy the pins 'cause it's not fun when faucet is on lol:laugh2:

Peak also has the putty so I'll get it there too. You are so much help for me.:bow:

When I did get it done it was pretty (even with little drip). I used csn 12 wick and worked nice but to little of a burn pool that it burned itself out so I'm going to put in a 14 tonight. I also think I need to let it cure more. Do you have any scents you like. I'm going to order some florel/fruity scent's from peak?

Even though I messed it up my co-worker said it looked pretty.:thumbsup:.

Thank you, Suzan

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Favorite from Peaks? Key Lime for sure, I just bought spiced cranberry, but I haven't put it into anything yet. Love Spell smells fruity and floral to me, but it has a "love it or hate it" following. For an interesting read, search "Love spell" on here. The reviews are all over!! :)

I also love Peak's Wild Mountain Honey (makes delicious soap!) and Cranberry Apple Marmalade. It's a fruity happy apple scent. Fresh.

If you like the straight florals, I also just received "country garden" from Peaks and to me it smells like a fresh wildflower bouquet. It's NOT dominated by hard hitting, brain freeze style rose, rose, rose like so many are.

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I second the Key Lime. I'd also try Pomegranate, Fruit Slices, Cranberry Citrus and Lemon Pound Cake. All very fruity and summery!

Peak has a sampler you can build yourself of any 10 scents. You may have already ordered this before, just thought that I would mention it.

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OH!! And I went to Michael's with my 50% off coupon and bought a 12x18 baking sheet, basically a rimmed cookie sheet. They are really flimsy and they suck for baking, but I put it as a liner on my pouring table. That way if any pillars should leak they are caught and the mess doesn't end up on the floor or my shoes.

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You can also just use metal tape to wick your pillars. put the wick through the hole with about an inch on the outside and use the metal tape to tape it down, covering the hole as well. Then just put your wick in a wick bar and pour. Easy. Just be sure you get high temp tape - otherwise it will come loose when the heat hits it and you'll have the same mess - and be sure the tape is good and secure, pressed down well.

ets - and yes, I've had the same type of mess before!! You're not alone!!:wink2:

Edited by ksranch
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Is there a brand name? Where do you buy? I had a flood the other day! Burned my dang fingers, too!

You can also just use metal tape to wick your pillars. put the wick through the hole with about an inch on the outside and use the metal tape to tape it down, covering the hole as well. Then just put your wick in a wick bar and pour. Easy. Just be sure you get high temp tape - otherwise it will come loose when the heat hits it and you'll have the same mess - and be sure the tape is good and secure, pressed down well.

ets - and yes, I've had the same type of mess before!! You're not alone!!:wink2:

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Is there a brand name? Where do you buy? I had a flood the other day! Burned my dang fingers, too!


The tape is known as heat duct or furnace tape. It's available at almost any decent hardware store. I'm not sure if Walmart carries it or not. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. The tape is meant to attach metal ductwork pipes together. It is heat resistant. I've only seen it as a shiny metalic looking material. It shouldn't be too pricey, but not as cheap as good old gray standard duct tape. Don't get the two confused.

Good luck!


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Is there a brand name? Where do you buy? I had a flood the other day! Burned my dang fingers, too!

Ask T. He will know what you need. Or ask for HVAC. I can send you down some otherwise.

ETA: oops...didn't see Dave's post up there. Sorry Dave Yep, what you said! :)

Edited by jeanie353
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Thanks Dave!

Yes, ok I remember, it has a backing, T has it! I'll get it! Thanks Jeanie, Cool Beans, cause me & the rocking wickpins weren't doing so well.

Does anyone know where the best wickpins are sold for molds that don't have a hole?

Edited by ChandlerWicks
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Thank you everyone for giving great advice.:yay: Chefmom thank you for letting me know that I'm not the only one who got wax on shoe's and floor.:wave:

I went to peak and put in an order for wick pins and putty. I also bought some wax, fo, molds gotta stop $100.00 *faint*later (man it can go fast).

The fo are:

mango peach salsa

coconut lime verbena

lemon colada

island nectar

orange ginger fizz


It's so funny reading the definitions 'cause I looked at my co-worker and said "and that smells like what"?. I guessed at some of the smells.

I couldn't remember what a banana smelled like.:P (short term memory goes first).

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one w/burnt finger tips:laugh2:

Couldn't find any metal tape so I got "gorilla" tape. It say's "For the toughest jobs on planet earth" I think none of them ever made a candle:laugh2:


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I buy my wick pins from Candlewic. My guess is you can use their custom wick "maker" to get the exact wick you need, too.

I have bought thousands of wick assemblies from CW and have been very happy with the quality, price and service.


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I buy my wick pins from Candlewic. My guess is you can use their custom wick "maker" to get the exact wick you need, too.

I have bought thousands of wick assemblies from CW and have been very happy with the quality, price and service.


I bought some CD wicks from them and I would have to say 1 out of every 5 when I pull tight thru the wick bars after I pour the whole dam wick comes right out of the tab- talk about a pissed off mess! Granted they are the pre assembled wicks not custom but still....I have to now buy some kind of tool and check each one and re-crimp them

Have you ever had this problem? Maybe it's a fluke batch- I love the supplier and the quality of their wicks and they are one of the few that actually sell the right tab height

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Thank you everyone for giving great advice.:yay: Chefmom thank you for letting me know that I'm not the only one who got wax on shoe's and floor.:wave:

I went to peak and put in an order for wick pins and putty. I also bought some wax, fo, molds gotta stop $100.00 *faint*later (man it can go fast).

The fo are:

mango peach salsa

coconut lime verbena

lemon colada

island nectar

orange ginger fizz


It's so funny reading the definitions 'cause I looked at my co-worker and said "and that smells like what"?. I guessed at some of the smells.

I couldn't remember what a banana smelled like.:P (short term memory goes first).

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one w/burnt finger tips:laugh2:

Couldn't find any metal tape so I got "gorilla" tape. It say's "For the toughest jobs on planet earth" I think none of them ever made a candle:laugh2:


I only tried pillars once in my life and it was a heart- I used gorilla tape and it worked beautifully but I also used soy wax and poured fairly cool- I love that tape and use it for everything!

Good luck to you and you will love Peak- they have great oils

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I bought some CD wicks from them and I would have to say 1 out of every 5 when I pull tight thru the wick bars after I pour the whole dam wick comes right out of the tab- talk about a pissed off mess! Granted they are the pre assembled wicks not custom but still....I have to now buy some kind of tool and check each one and re-crimp them

Have you ever had this problem? Maybe it's a fluke batch- I love the supplier and the quality of their wicks and they are one of the few that actually sell the right tab height

I'm not sure I would want to arm wrestle with you! (lol)

Yes! I have had some wicks pull out of tabs when I pulled REAL hard, but I try not to do that anymore.

I think that it's hard for the machinery to pinch the tab hard enough to grab into the actual wick due to that nice coating of beeswax that CW's machinery layers on the wick.

I used to assemble all of my own wicks. I still do some. I enjoy the process about as much as cleaning and wicking jars (not!). I used a jewelers "split ring pliers". It did a great job. It's a tough tool to describe. I suppose you could also use a hand tool known as "crimping pliers". Either should work, if you feel the need to secure the assemblies a little better and make the wicks real taught in the containers or molds.

I primarily pour 8 ounce jelly jars and I use the black plastic holders that fit the jars perfectly. I can't remember the last time a wick assembly seperated.

You might also want to test the assembly a bit and give it a tug to determine if it will hold up to the tension you want it at. You could buy some extra tabs for those that seperate so you don't lose the whole wick. Just a thought.



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I actually hate wick pins and use this wick centering tool instead. http://cart.candlesupply.com/Pillar-Wick-Centering-Tool-pr-19721.html Using these I duct taped up the hole so never anymore mess, easy peasy!! :cool2:

I use the same system for my pillars-- all sizes. My pillar molds I seal with putty (mold sealer), press it in real good, then seal that off with lots of duct tape over the putty. Never had a drip. Works every time.

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Today was the first day (trial) my hubby left his dog out in house while at work (i call him spazzz:P, but his name is Jake).

All went good but he only ate one thing "MY GORILLA TAPE". :angry2: I was so excited to make a pilar but afraid of another faucet so I bought tape yesterday. Well long story short no pillar tonight and back out tomorrow for more tape lol.

ANYONE WANNA A DOG?:laugh2::laugh2:

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