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What is acceptable?

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Ok, So I have been testing several new candles and I have been discouraged at the scent throw that I am getting. Although I am tesing another candle that in past burns has been light in HT but now after originally pouring a month and half ago it starting to finally have a decent HT in my living room(which is my biggest room I have to test in).

Ok so my recent candles have had a light to medium HT but it takes almost two hours to get to a medium scent throw. This can't be acceptable to a customer. I don't know why I'm even posting this because I know the answer but please post your opinion anyway.

Also the HT could get better as The candle cure even more but is a customer willing to wait that long. I just don't know. It's sad to because most of these FO are from Peak and I have had very good luck with them in the past.

All of my candles I wait a week before testing and usually have good results but I'm just having a bit of bad luck lately. :-(

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As a customer, I'd be very disappointed with a candle like that, and I wouldn't want to buy another candle from you. I definitely wouldn't want to wait for my candle to cure, they should be ready to go when I buy it.

Of course these are only testers and I don't sell weak candles. I realize I have more testing to do and hope that came across in my OP. Thanks for answering.

This is also the price to pay for using soy unfortunately.

I would like someone that works with soy to answer if you have any insight although I welcome all opinions.

Edited by jackbenimble
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Of course these are only testers and I don't sell weak candles. I realize I have more testing to do and hope that came across in my OP. Thanks for answering.

I would like someone that works with soy to answer if you have any insight although I welcome all opinions.

I thought you were asking for the opinion of a customer, whether that candle would be acceptable to the customer or not.

I know you don't sell weak candles.

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I hate the way soy and paraffin, all waxes plus the FO's are always changing. No matter who you ask the answer is the same "no, we haven't changed anything". It is such a pain, expensive, time consuming and depressing. At least for me. Do not believe that no one every has problems and never believer that everyone has perfect candles. JMO

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There are plenty of really nice 'light' scents that throw well that I would buy and I do make some myself. But for candles to sell/purchase, imo, should have discernable ht within the first half hour whether its a light or strong scent...hth

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Unfortunately we are all in the same boat when it comes to soy HT. I have played out the same scenario hundreds of times in my head on what to do. For me, when I find a home run scent I try to have stock made so that I can be assured that its been sitting for at least a month in my storage area. We base our inventory on that rule. If its something you have to pour quickly for the weekend it obviously doesnt apply. We dont burn our testers for at least the same amount of time and wont introduce any new scents until that time period has passed. If after a month I can't get a strong HT out of a tester, its outta here and I move on. I have had customers comment that the candle smelled very strong to the end but never had a complaint of weakness. It may sound crazy but we ordered some new spring scents last week and I will pour them and stick them in the storage room with the date on them and burn them in mid January. I only use 415 in our containers.

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Guest OldGlory

JBN, I think you should have some other trustworthy people test your candles - and not someone else who makes candles, not someone who smokes. And ask for very specific responses.

I have been told that some of my candles are too strong, so maybe those customers would prefer a lighter throw. We can't answer for everyone's preference because it's different for everyone. What's weak to me might be pretty strong to someone else.

And while I know it's hard to find someone trustworthy, it's worth the effort and the cost.

When you say that it takes 2 hours to get a good HT, how big is the MP at 2 hours?

Which soy wax are you using?

Have you asked other soy users who are using the same FOs if they are also getting a light HT?

Would you like me to send you some of the FOs I use in 464 with good results?

Don't give up! There is a logical explanation to your conundrum (sp).

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I hate the way soy and paraffin, all waxes plus the FO's are always changing. No matter who you ask the answer is the same "no, we haven't changed anything". It is such a pain, expensive, time consuming and depressing. At least for me. Do not believe that no one every has problems and never believer that everyone has perfect candles. JMO

This is the reason I went out of business. Just when you think you have the "perfect recipe" watch out! I did years ago and it was good for a while then BOOM! Unhappy customers..no hot throw. I didn't do a thing different..same wax..wicks...fo..so I thought. Wax is never exact..every batch is different..wicks..who knows..Fo's well you all get the picture! It is just a hobby now and I do a few small shows and have a couple of places that carry my candles but that is it.

Edited by kimmeroo
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  • 4 weeks later...
You may want to try some of those scents in 415. While I find 464 to be easier to wick, the ht from 415 is stronger to my nose.

Thank you pixie! Unfortunately I have invested too much time in 464 plus I have 2 50lb boxes I haven't used. So at this point changing waxes is not an option for me.

I have decided to test one of those scents in a melt and have found that the other one needs alot more cure time than one week. Seems like 1 month works well. So I will most likely need to have premade that candle so its available when ordered.

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I use 464 and I found mine have better HT the longer they cure. I'm testing new jars and I have better luck with smaller ounce containers, than larger ones. The wicks and HT seem to be better with the smaller sized containers. My preference isn't an over powering candle, though. I prefer the subtle scent, but I don't want to have to stick my nose in the jar to get a smell of the scent, either. I've been pleased with the 464, so far.

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