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What are your top ten soap sellers?


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Guest OldGlory

You didn't mention which type of soap you're making - CP, HP, (some variation thereof), or M&P?

When I sold CP, I found that I needed an oatmeal and honey soap, a basic lye soap, a lavender soap (I used lavandin EO just because I love the scent), I sold the heck out of an unscented castille soap, and then a variety of scents. I never made a patchouli soap, but I've bought them and they seem to sell out wherever they are sold.

I'm sure some others will chime in!

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Sorry. CP or HP. I do them both. I have only sold to friends and acquaintances so far, but the most consistent interest I have had is in my bugg-off blend, sandalwood, lavender, and plain unscented bastile. I have made several other varieties and they have been mostly hit or miss. As my current plan is to begin attending 3 craft shows a month leading up to the end of the year I would like to narrow things down to 6 to 10 varieties that I carry all of the time and rotate out a few other seasonal ones.

I'm just trying to collect some information on types that others find sell well to give me some ideas on scents to test.

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Oatmeal soaps are my best sellers, followed by goat's milk. Top fragrances for me are Dragon's Blood, Cool Water, Plumeria, Lavender, Egyptian Dragon, Lemongrass, peppermint. Do remember to try to make a variety of combinations. Many people have allergies and I like to have a great variety so one can find what they can use

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Thanks for the input folks. I now have a half dozen local craft shows / flea markets under my belt and gotten some good feedback. A lot of what I have found line up with what is posted here.

Dragon's blood was far and away the most popular scent I had on the table. Others that did well were my teakwood & cardamom, sandalwood, unscented bastile, eucalyptus & lemongrass, and my spicy blend with anise, cassia, fennel, and nutmeg.

I had a lot of requests for goat milk soap but didn't have any with me. I finally found a local supplier though, so I have a few batches made and curing now. I plan on adding lavender and patchouli to my line as those were the most requested scents that I did not have with me.

I really like the sweet orange / yuzu bars and lotus bars that I had with me but didn't sell a single bar of either so I doubt I will mess with those again.

Edited by GrinningGoblin
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
an unscented buttermilk bastile

china rain

blue agave



santas pipe


jamaican bay rum

extremely sexy for him

I saw these fragrances on a site and want to order BUT............cannot REMEMBER co name/site, etc. Please advise where you got this extremely sexy for him and Jamaican bay rum. They even have sample paks.....talk about a frustrating senior moment!!!!!!!!!!!

HELP, please. don't even see it on the lists of "rocks in CP"...........

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