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Jojo T.

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Everything posted by Jojo T.

  1. Thank you, those are very popular and I've just got an order to make three more - two with crayon tops and one tall octagonal.
  2. Hi everyone, There are a lot of photos here so I hope you are patient. They are all fragranced differently and have their jewellery on so I hope you enjoy having a look. The Snowy Benefit is tomorrow so wish me luck and hopefully I shall raise a little to help pay the vet bill.
  3. I love the bright colours, they're fabulous.
  4. They look great - beautiful patterns and colours.
  5. Thanks Trappeur - Snowy is a beauty - even with a hyperactive thyroid she is still huge. She is also an angel - she had a 40 minute ultrasound/echocardiagram procedure without sedation and just lay where we put her without struggling - we just held her down gently - and occasionally she made a big sigh. She's having a month of tablets first to see if her kidneys cope and if she's ok, will then have the radioactive iodine. We haven't got one scratch from administering the tablets - she totally trusts us. I love her!
  6. Wow, that looks great - I love the effect.
  7. I have found that unless the tealight tart warmers are high that this problem occurs. I am always telling people who buy my tarts to make sure that they burn them in a warmer with sufficient height to prevent overheating of the wax.
  8. Hi Jenn, I know what you mean - each batch of paraffin I get is a new learning experience for me. It can be a pita or if you're in a positive mood, a way to learn more about the wax we play with. I agree with Top, maybe wait until the candle is quite cool before doing the first repour, make the holes a good size, and hopefully then you will only need to do it once - that's if that is the problem. If that isn't, then tell us more and we shall try to help from afar.
  9. Thanks for all the comments and support. I now need to get working for a candle/jewellery party I'm having in two weeks time to raise money so I can pay for the medical expenses of my cat Snowy in my avatar - she's needing some radioactive iodine and the whole procedure including what's already been done is rather expensive.
  10. Hi, that looks beautiful, she did a great job. I love it.
  11. Wow! I just love those colours and the finish on all of them is fantastic.
  12. Yes, I do. I love using them though they are a pain to clean afterwards.
  13. They are lovely - I wish I could smell them too as I bet they're great.
  14. That looks so organised and the colors look fabulous too. Most professional. I hope you sold lots.
  15. Yes, the scent is definitely not one of my favourites, but if someone likes sweet, then I think it would be heaven for them. They are to go in a bathroom with those colours, which I can imagine. The hearts could be used as pendants, although if I was making them for a pendant for someone else I think I would smooth off the ends of the wires a bit more and that would increase the price a bit.
  16. Yes, I love playing with wire and beads. Amy particularly wanted wire decorations and she loves hearts.
  17. Hi everyone, These are the candles I delivered today - strange colours but they were just as ordered and Amy was very pleased with them - they are fragranced a blend of cherry blossom, sweet pea and apple blossom - very sweet. Thanks for looking.
  18. They look really professional - I would also like to try the sleeves in a much smaller quantity than a thousand. Does anyone know who carries smaller quantities for smaller prices?
  19. Thank you, that's what I like to be - cool - thank goodness our heatwave is over and now it's real autumn weather here.
  20. Very pretty - the placement of the butterflies is great - did you have to warm them first to get them to curve with the mould?
  21. They look great - and your photography is so very clear and well presented. I bet they also smell delicious.
  22. They look beautiful Sabrina, well done, again. I need to get organised for a candle/jewellery party I'm having just before mother's day and need all the inspiration I can get for that, so thank you for sharing your pics. I love what you've done.
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