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Jojo T.

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Everything posted by Jojo T.

  1. Thanks for all the comments. You guys make my day.
  2. Nope, I just can't pick a favorite either - I love them all. Very nice rustic effects and the colors are fabulous - love black candles.
  3. Hi Tracy, I think they both look great and would do both types. The burlap are very rustic looking and the lacy ones are very old worldish and both should be popular. Maybe you could supply buyers with a photo of them burning which could be put up where they are displayed and then people would see the full effect. I like them. Cheers,
  4. Hi, I'm still playing with chunks - overpouring quite hot and heat gunning the mould after pouring so the colours melt into each other a bit. Please do comment and thank you for looking. Cheers,
  5. Hi all, I'm on a roll. These are all made with some left over colours I had - I'm really enjoying playing with chunks at the moment as the possibilities seem endless. I hope you enjoy having a look and welcome your comments. Cheers,
  6. Thank you for all the encouraging comments - I'm about to post some more as soon as I get my camera out.
  7. They are very striking, I love the red Tracy. Dragon's Blood, aaaahhhhh, that's lovely and goes so well with red. Beautiful candles.
  8. Please do share them with us.
  9. What?!? You're not having lamb?!? Shame on you. :yay:The pork sounds delicious, I hope you have had a great day. We're having a bbq for tea, with lamb of course. Oh, and by the way, it's only 33 here today, so we're laughing.
  10. It's a bit of a fugly in my opinion. It was smooth sided to begin with then I carved around the waves to give them more definition and heat gunned it a bit. I had fun.
  11. Thank you for all the comments. Most appreciated. It's Australia Day today and I think I'll celebrate by going into my playroom and making some more candles. Cheers, Jojo
  12. That made me smile, as I'm SOOO OVER the hot weather here. Can't wait for autumn.
  13. Hi all, I've finally got back into candle making and decided I'd better post a few pics. The jigsaw pyramid is a bit of an experiment made out of scraps - I can't decide whether I like it or not. Enjoy looking, and I welcome any comments. Cheers, Jojo
  14. I love the big mottled candle, well done.
  15. Wow! They look as if you've been doing pillars for years. Well done, they are beautiful.
  16. Hi Donita, good to see you back on here. It's so much fun being creative with molds and you have some nice shapes there. I've had a long break too but hope to be posting again soon. Happy New Year!
  17. I love all of them and my favourites are the French Vanilla and Amber. Beautiful.
  18. Now I like them, what a good idea. I'm in the same position as Lynn, and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  19. Hi Julie, Those are beautiful in my eyes. I love them. Do more. :drool:
  20. Hi Sabrina, Your candles look perfect, as usual. Very beautiful.
  21. Julie, they look beautiful. I like them much more than the orange ones.
  22. Those are ALL fabulous. Beautiful colour combinations and effects.
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