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Everything posted by SuzyK

  1. The butterfly and flip flop and other shapes aren't wax. Those are plastic pieces. You can get them at a craft store. Jesse James buttons makes a lot of cool ones like that. The ones with little crumbles on the front are probably wax.
  2. I never really thought of trying to make a way to stop it. I make sure not to move the pot at all while using it.
  3. Woah, this is an old thread. I haven't tried to sell perfumes at shows. They do ok for me online. Fruity scents or popular duplicates are the ones that have sold for me. It's not really a product I invest a lot of time into.
  4. Thank you everyone! The PS controllers were a great way to draw people into the booth.
  5. Love it! I always get excited when I see you've posted another picture! I love this scent!
  6. So very pretty! It sounds wonderful!
  7. awwww. You are all so sweet! I'm blushing! I did work super hard on this and I am working hard to grow my biz so your words make me happy! I am so in love with those oval portion cups. Looking at them all weekend made me giddy. lol. I got lots of compliments on them. They stronger than the dart round portion cups and I was ready for a change. Plus, they match my oval lip balm containers. I got them at wasserstrom from a suggestion from karen here. Thank you thank you! I am really tired but I loved doing it. The game controller soaps made people stop in their tracks when they walked by my booth. I only sold like 4 of them. Another thing was the Monkey Farts lip balm and Monkey Farts wax melts.
  8. Thank you! I just had so much fun. I was so pleased with my display, though I do have some ideas to make it even better. Irena, Do you mean the oval portion cups for the wax melts or do you mean the oval lip balm containers?
  9. Those look awesome! Great pics too! Such great cuts, I am still learning to cut straight.
  10. haha. I mean pics in my title not pis. lol! I have been working very hard the last month or more to get ready for this show. I had another show a few weeks ago and did well at that one too. I love making local contacts. We had lots of snow on Friday (rare for this part of the world) so attendance was down. I did really well. my goal was 10x my booth fee and I brought in 6x the fee. I am very happy with that! I had lots of fun. I am the one on the right in tennis shoes. The other person is my friend Melissa, she helped me all weekend. She's the one who made my cool sign.
  11. That's awesome! Very exciting! Good for you. I really like the white column stand things in your set up.
  12. Are you talking about the shopping bags you give to customers? I have some plastic handled bags that I bought from Storesupply.com and then I just bought the Cub size handled kraft shopping bags at papermart.com for a big show I have coming up this weekend. I'm going to do like what Karen said and label the bags with my company name. I just need to remember to do it. lol.
  13. I shrink wrap mine as well. I didn't make the time at my last holiday bazaar to shrink wrap them and I realized it was a big mistake. lol.
  14. Oh. lol. I haven't had a problem with mine not being sticky enough. I use the weatherproof ones.
  15. I get mine from onlinelabels.com. They are the best! I haven't really tried another company but I haven't needed to.
  16. I'd like to learn how to make a creamy lotion. I make a solid lotion right now and I love it and so do my customers.
  17. Absolutely gorgeous! Love them! Love the shape.
  18. Oh wow! lots of pretty soaps! Love them all, the colors are great!
  19. When people question me about my suppliers, how do I make things, and where I get all of my products, I find it rude. I spend a lot of time gathering that information and not really willing to hand it out for free. I know some people don't understand my thinking and it's fine. This is how I make a living and I don't really have a lot of time to tell others all my info. I have all the information that's needed listed. I haven't had a lot of people ask me more than "do you make all these?" I say yes and they're impressed. I've only had a handful of people dig and that's when I tell them I don't give out that information. I have to add, it's different when it's on a board like this, information sharing is normal here. Though I have been copied big time recently and I'm a little more careful. I will share up to a certain point.
  20. I do not believe that customers have a right to full disclosure. Telling them it's soy wax( or whatever type of wax) and phthalate free fragrance is all they need to know. The rest of my products have the ingredients on them. It's not fun being copied nor is it flattering. It's frustrating and so disheartening. If they do ask (which is so stinking rude) I just tell them I don't give out that information.
  21. Looks great, Karen! I should take notes as to what people say about what they think the wax melts are. Even with the warmer set up and going, some weren't so sure. I sold a lot though as I'm sure you will. I was 2 tables down from a Scentsy rep and still sold well. You sell yours inexpensively! I sell mine for $2.25 each or 10 for $17 and people here think that's a steal. Have fun!
  22. You don't want to use glue on your wax melts. Do you want it just on top or do you want it throughout the melt. I don't put glitter or anything on mine. Maybe wait to put on when it's almost set up. I'm sure someone has better advice. lol
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