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Posts posted by jackbenimble

  1. I did send send requests to all my friends on FB but I've read articles that say people on FB are bombarded by requests all day and you have to do something to stand out. It not enough anymore to just say "like" my page and people will do and you will instantly have 300 fans. That's what one article said.

    I also keep reading that you have to post meaningful things that people want to read and often. I am still getting the hang of it all. I guess 24 fans is better than none. Right?

    Here's my page if you guys want to take a look. :cheesy2:


  2. I voted for the dirt and grass one, but mainly because the description is amazing. Now I really want to smell your candle and see if it lives up to your words!

    It is amazing! It smells just like fresh dirt with a hint of grass and morning air thrown in. You would love it.

    Also thank you for everyone that has voted so far. This really helps me see how to market my products. :cheesy2:

  3. I wasn't able to spend a lot of time, but I took a quick spin around the site.

    I think you've made a lot of progress. One major improvement was showing the product with zoom capability after clicking on the scent image.

    There are still some minor grammatical errors. It might help to have a friend look over all the captions, descriptions, and text on the site. Fresh eyes will often spot mistakes that you will miss.

    One note. The possesive case of "Goat" is "Goat's" not "Goats". You should use either "Goat's Milk Soap" or "Goat Milk Soap". Just Sayin'.

    I'm afraid I can't read the blue text on dark brown background in the Facebook area.

    It would be nice if I could ship my purchase to a different address than my billing address. I might want to send someone a gift.

    As far as pricing is concerned, that's your business. If you can get $1000 for a bar of soap, more power to you. If your products aren't selling, you may need to adjust pricing accordingly.

    Best of luck.

    Thank you I'll fix the goat's milk thing. The facebook area I can't fix. That was actually the lighter option. They had another but it was really dark. Maybe people will click the link yo my FB page and become a friend. IDK. I did not know you could not ship to another address other than your shipping I will definately be fixing that. Thanks again! :)

  4. Ok guys! I have went back after everyone's comments and fixed alot of stuff on my website. Some things i did change some I didn't. Please go back and let me know what you think and what still needs work. I promise to not get offended by any comments and take them as help not as a personal attack.

    I know someone will comment on my prices. Unfortunately i cannot lower them right now. Thanks guys and I look forward to your thoughts and comments.


  5. i like your site. Black background doesn't bother me at all. everything looks good. Love your gay friendliness cause i am gay. i just glanced at it but it looks nice. BTW where do you buy your 2 in 1 candle warmers. I've seen a couple of places but was just curious. Happy Holidays!!!

  6. sorry, I can't not reply.

    Are you serious Jack?

    You asked people for advice. I saw a ton of people say nice things about your site.

    Personally I spent at least 10 minutes looking at, thinking about and writing suggestions for you because you asked for it. I didn't do this to help my business. Turning around and saying we're snobs for giving advice because you asked for it? Should I have just said 'great site....keep up the good work.."? it would have only taken me 5 seconds and required very little thought.

    guys I'm just kidding :) Not even I am that cruel.

    I am saying this for real with no attitude. Thank you for your time and thoughtful advice. It's alot to rake right now but I'm taking it anyway. If everyone on craft server thinks we should stop this thread now. I'm cool with that but if you want to continue to keep it real:) then I'm cool with that too. Thank you! :)

  7. Ok. So let's all play a little game. Who can say something nice or encouraging?

    Give all your "real" critiques all you want. I'm happy to hear them BUT, after your done bashing me you have to say something about my site that you like or a message of encouragement. If you can't then keep it to yourself please. Can we try this? I know we can!

    Here I'll even start. I think you are all self important snobs but I really appreciate all the "realness", knowledge, and experience you have given to me and this forum.

  8. I think your site is visually pleasing, but your facts are wrong. I find some grammatical errors that should be fixed. If you are going to have a business, be prepared for people to sing your praises AND to not think your product is as good as you do. It's business, not personal.

    I also think your votives need to have a repour, as well as your tarts to provide a flat surface, and would help qualify your pricing. Those little extra steps will keep your product as appealing (visually) as your website.

    Good luck with your endeavor.

    who's website are you looking at? I don't sell votives or tarts.

  9. Wow! Everyone so far has been incredibly rude with exception of a few. You don't know my situation and circumstances. I think it's easy to critisize someone on a forum but I actually have

    feelings and some of the things that have been said were hurtful to me. I was under the impression that everything I stated was truthful. I didn't know the candle and soap police were going to bitch about every little detail. As far as my prices go I can't sell my products for any less at this stage of the game. Maybe one day I can lower my prices. I'm learning through all of this and I just wanted to share an acomplishment with folks that share the same intrests. I see now I came to the wrong place. If you want people to rip you apart this is the place to come.

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