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Posts posted by jackbenimble

  1. I've used that FO for years in all kinds of waxes and always gotten a great throw. If I remember back when I used straight soy I used 1-1/2 oz./lb, but you'll just have to test it in your wax to see what kind of throw you get.

    Thanks Chris! I think I'll get a sample then. How did your customers like it? Was it popular scent for you?

  2. Thanks Candlebee I'd hadn't even thought of those ideas! Also I've been reading on different colorants for M&P. I'm still unsure as to which will work for me. (I know i will have to do some testing on my own) but does anyone have any recommendations or favorites or a place to start from?

  3. Ooooops! His case. SORRY!

    Anyway, I think a hard sell is that all the soaps look the same regardless of the scent. Perhaps you can come up with unique packaging and show a photo or two of it? Just a thought.... I sell a lot of lip balms and they all physically look the same, plain, etc... My labels are different though based on scent. I am wondering if this would work for you jackbenimble. We know that all of your scents are different, but subliminally, if the soap LOOKS the same, a person may perceive it as the same.

    Hi Noodle, Yes my labels are basically just like my candle labels. The scent name is a different color. I guess that was my thinking was that's how my soaps that do look all the same would be distinguished from each other. My other thing was all my soaps match my candles. So if you like the candle scent you may like it in a soap too. :-)

  4. I really appreciate all the input for you guys so far. It does help to have an outside option. I will look into lowering my price. I like Candlebee's idea for the 4 for $15. I'll try that at my next show. I have made most of the soap already so I'll have to wait to possible to color my soaps later. For now I can retake pics and sell the properties of the soap. I have to have a drop down menu for now cause my web host has a limit to products I can post. Again thanks for the help so far!! :-)

  5. Hi guys! I wanted some advice to get my M&P goats milk soaps to move. My soy candles are doing great but not the soap. My candles are my main product and the soap is just a side item. Is it because they are M&P that people aren't really into them?whatever tips or advice is much appreciated!

  6. Definitely agree!

    Take freebies into the bank too - that is the place I think my candles really got "started". So many people come in and out of the bank and when they start to ask questions about the smell of the candle, it opens up conversation about my company.

    Of course you have to get one of the tellers or the bankers to want to help you too - but that is where banking with them comes into play :)

    I have a small bank even though I live in downtown Atlanta. There is the same teller there everyday and one other lady and everyone else is in the offices. Not very friendly IMO so the bank option doesn't work for me in my area. I wish it did though.

  7. I wish I could find this type of candle warmer. It has clean lines and would go really well with my whole style of my site and products but no one carries it that I have seen. The pic is from a girl in my area that sells soy candles and breakaway melts. I wish I could ask her but I know that's not going to happen. LOL!


  8. It's not the table I'm talking about. Walmart has a 5 foot table for $37.88 and only the legs fold under. Their 6 foot table is $75 and it too only has the legs that fold under.

    The tables I'm talking about are 6 foot and the table itself folds in half. They are much easier to store and carry than the ones where only the legs fold under.

    That's the table I have too! The 6 foot foldable one. i got mine at Target.

  9. Hi Everyone! I wanted to share some pictures of my first craft show. It wasn't a real craft show per say. A friend got several of us together and called it A Spring Wellness weekend. There was a jewelery person, a skin care person, a yoga person, a acupuncture person and I had my soy candles and M&P goat's milk soap

    (which i forgot! Oops:shocked2:) post-12305-139458479903_thumb.jpg

    She didn't charge us a dime so this was a good opportunity to get out there and make my mistakes. I had about ten customers that bought my candles. So it was a good day for something that wasn't advertised that much. Hope you like my pictures and if you see any place for input let me know.





  10. Have you read the Tips for Craft Fairs at the top of this section?

    It is not humanly possible for one person to tell another how much product to take to a show. If we knew the answer, we'd all be working less and profiting more. The general consensus is to take all you can. It's better to have product left over than have to turn away customers because you have nothing to sell.

    I see no logic in starting with small shows. IMO, do every single show you can. Big ones, little ones, school ones, church ones, every weekend, if possible.

    Put on your Nikes and Just Do It. Most of all, have fun.

    I have been reading the Tips for Craft Fairs for sure. I haven't read it all so i don't know if I'm reposting something that's already been asked. (i know the veterans on here hate that) But thank you SOW for your input I was hoping you would respond because you tell it like it is. :cheesy2:

    Anyway maybe sometime soon i can give everyone here an update or a success story. Thanks!

  11. that sounds about right Luminous . I think after talking to my partner about it that I need to start with local high school and church craft fairs that have a low booth fee and around 500 to 1000 attendees. Even though they want pictures and stuff i don't think they are juried. But this will give me some good experience to build up to the bigger shows as time goes on. Most of the bigger shows want pictures of you booth and you working in the booth.

    Oh another question if anyone knows. Why can I find risers to display my products or can i make them out of something else?

  12. Hi Everyone!

    I am looking into doing my first craft fair/show and have read a lot on here about all the things you will need. I wanted to ask 2 questions.

    1. Is this fair/show too big to start out with?

    It has 150 vendors, around 30,000 attendees over 2 days. (Sat&Sun)

    2. How much product would I need to have with me?

    I make soy candles & M&P goats milks soap (as many of you have visited my website)

    I only have 12 scents. (each one represents a month of the year)

    So 12 candle scents and matching soap scents.

    I also make the clam shell melts and tealights.

    If I've left anything out please let me know I will respond.

    Where are places to find shows online? Most places want you to pay a membership fee. I have read on here about contacting you chamber of commerce about craft fair/show listings. But other than that where should I look online?

    Thanks for any advice you guys have! :cheesy2:

  13. It seems that Garden in the Fall is not a favorite but I want you all to know it doesn't have a bad smell. It has a fresh herbally scent with a bit of a woodiness bottom note. I think it would have to be a scent that is better to smell than read about. hehe! Anyway thanks for all the votes so far!:cheesy2:

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