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Everything posted by jackbenimble

  1. I have a candle that I blend myself called Garden in the Fall. It's has tomato leaves, herbs, and some woody notes to it. It's a very herbal scent. I hope it does well this fall. :-)
  2. I do the same thing and its never been a problem for me or others that use them but I also get other people's points as well.
  3. RE posted on their FB page that they will be carrying KY125 but will be a few weeks till they have it in stock. Some good news I suppose.
  4. Yeah! I'm glad most of you guys will not have to reinvent your products and still use the FO that have worked for you for such a long time. :-) I am also excited about this news because RA is one of my suppliers and now I'll have an excuse to get some of KY excellent FO I've heard so much about lately. Also glad for the people at KY they we able to sell there business over. Anyway. Im happy! :-)
  5. Let us know how it turns out. I bet it would be a wonderful color combo as well.
  6. Yes, I just poured my fall and Christmas testers this last week and will be test burning them soon. Hope to start pouring them the first week of August to get ready for my first shows. I'm so excited! can't wait!
  7. That is messed up! Im so sorry that happened.
  8. Well your soap looks great! I love it:-) I can't wait to see cut pics.
  9. Oh wow! So pretty:-) I love the dried rose petals on the top. Will they turn brown? I keep asking this question because I see alot of people doing it and it looks so great but I don't sell alot of soap so I'm afraid that it will sit too long and the petals will turn brown.
  10. Just wanted to take a minute and show you a few of the things I've been working on over the past week. This is my Bugg-Repllent Soap Bar. It is MP and has EO and dried calendula petals in it. This is a Bugg-Repellent Spray that is made with EO and perfume base. My dad just loves this stuff! :smiley2: My Garden Bar that has EO and poppy seeds. Also MP After the Sun soap that has olive leaf extract, aloe, and EO to sooth the skin. Also MP Hope you like the pics. I have a little homemade photo spot that I do my pictures from. :smiley2: Getting my fall/winter candle testers curing as well. i cant wait to try them i hope they do well. :smiley2:
  11. So I guess you retested all your FO that you currently sell? I know it's necessary but do find it expensive? On the other hand I guess it may not be if you are well established and sell a fair amount of product on a regular basis.
  12. did you try this in soy wax? How is this compared to sugar cookie royal from MoonWorks?
  13. If I ever make $20,000 a year I'll be cheering! So until then it doesn't bother me. (oh and I know someone is going to say something. It's cool whatever.)
  14. I would like to know about this as well. I have that candle and I love it's scent. Not the typical "snow" scent that everyone does.
  15. That is what I was trying to say SilverofWax. I love making my candles and soaps and if we want to continue we may have to do what is asked of us. I don't like it either BTW.
  16. Well either we will comply with the new rules oe we won't. If we want to continue to make the things we love to sell to our customers we will just have to suck it up and take it I guess. But this is good info to be thinking about. Thanks for posting this" :-)
  17. I want to try that rain but BB is so high in their prices. :-)
  18. Candle science has a good wick calculator I like to use to get me going. But you will still need to test. They even say on their website that their wick guide is not a substitute for actual testing. But it is a good way to see where to start. HTH! :-)
  19. If you are going to make tarts you will need a harder wax that you can unmold. If your doing clamshells then you could use a container wax. Which kind of wax you use depends on you.
  20. I bet it would be easy. Try the Q-Tip test in a snack baggy. Sounds yummy!
  21. I use Downpour from Elements and it throws great in soy and is one of my top sellers in my area. It is a great rain scent. Woes have floral notes though.
  22. Please give us an update carol on how they do. I live in GA and would buy if they were any good.
  23. I like the color one! Lots more vibrant and upscalem the other which is still nice seems drab to me. HtH.
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