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Everything posted by jenniejr

  1. What wax are you using? It would be alot easier to help you out if you could answer the questions that Scented asked.
  2. South Central PA here.......... it has been 93 for the past 3 days and the humidity is unbearble! I have an AC in my candle room .... but trying to keep the moisture down in there is a Biatch! I feel for all of you who are in the 100's! Hope this breaks soon.
  3. I think that would be a great idea too. I just don't care for the harsh contrast. The "lace" looks awesome ........
  4. Very nice! WOW .... that's alot of canes! Is that waterslide decal??
  5. They are really cute! Bet they smell good too
  6. Love the bright colors! Very nice
  7. I was wanting to go this year..... but it wasn't possible. But now, I just may be able to swing it for next year!
  8. OMG That would be a disaster waiting to happen!! Where did you get this pot?
  9. I use my liquid dye from Peak's. It's Coral/Peach. Are you able to get some from them? Because it is dead on when you use the right ratio! Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  10. I use the same wax and recently had the same trouble as you. I did the same thing Portia did and it made a big difference. Like she said, be careful not to get water in your mold.
  11. I really like the 1st one. It looks great! The 2nd is too hard to see.
  12. Really neat idea. Looks great! I wouldn't burn it, though.
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