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Everything posted by jenniejr

  1. LOL! Looks like the wick is trying to get away!! Very pretty candle. I love the colors and the scent.
  2. Those look great Sharyl! I love the way you decorated the tops. Very professional looking. Curious ..... does just 1 wick do the job? Does it burn well and leave the sides clean? tia
  3. I love the effects you got there! Bet it smells good too!
  4. Ooooo Sharyl .......... is a "chinky"a new kind of candle? LOL j/k Your wife did a great job Steve. Love the jar too. Looks so smoothe and pretty.
  5. Very "fall" looking. What scent are they?
  6. Very unique effects you have there.
  7. That turned out really good! What scent is it?
  8. What a tragedy. That is an incredible tribute!
  9. I have been wanting one myself. Thanks for the ideas on where to look for them.
  10. LMAO Mary! My monitor is now scented coffee!!
  11. That is what I do with mine too. Euginia ..... great idea with the beans! I'll have to try that.
  12. I really like those jars! I had considered using them ..... but the shipping was just too much!
  13. Those look very nice. Hope to see pics of the unity when it is done.
  14. Interesting combo. As long as the customer is happy, then all is good!
  15. Julie, those are great!! Can you tell me what Tiger Eyes smells like?
  16. For things that size I use my deep sink for a bath. (some people also call the a slop sink.) Do you have one?
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