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Candle Kitty

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Everything posted by Candle Kitty

  1. And I'm not meaning to upset anyone here, personally, I cracked up when I saw some of the posts...ON THE OTHER HAND.... If anything, this thread should show a lot of people that drinking, taking drugs, or overdosing on the coffee is not seriously a good thing to do when you're melting and pouring wax. There's also other underlying issues when it comes to a good pour as well as technique. Here's my story... A few years ago, I noticed that my normal pours on my pillars were seriously on the sucking side, it didn't matter how fast, how slow, what I used, what I DIDN'T use, I was still spilling wax when it came to the second pour. Then one day, when I was actually paying attention, I noticed that I had a serious tremor in my hands. I went ahead and allowed the pour to go as normal, and sure enough, I was spilling wax yet again. Normally, a slight tremor is to be expected, if we were all steady-handed, we'd be surgeons instead of working class people with an expensive hobby. Something as slight as spilling wax is something we have come to expect to be normal, especially when dealing with votives because of the size. But considering the fact that my tremor had actually been noticeable enough to me, I went to the doctor to find out what was going on. I went through weeks of tests, blood sugar, hormones, you name it, they tested me. Come to find out, I was hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) and whenever I monitored my glucose level during the day, whenever I was actually working with wax, my level was low, which in turn, caused the tremors. Since then, I've adjusted my diet, eating something small or grabbing a Pepsi before I begin pouring and I've noticed a HUGE improvement just doing that alone. I still spill wax, but I also do that on purpose to make sure my edges on my votives are straight and clean. I'm not saying that's your situation, Anna, but I AM giving some other insight. I've since also been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which has jacked with my insulin level and hello, here come the tremors yet again. Staying healthy to keep the business or hobby going just because it sucks when we can't do it, is just the tip of the iceberg. Staying healthy should be our first priority, we're dealing with extreme temperatures, instruments that are sharp and in some cases, deadly under the wrong circumstances, not to mention a liquid that has the capacity to leave behind 2nd and 3rd degree burns, if poured at the wrong time. Also something else to consider is the humor factor. If we don't laugh, if we don't take the time to just laugh, the hobby or business begins to become a gruelling chore no one wants to wish their worst enemy to have. I'm notorious for cracking jokes, it needs to happen so we can still do the one thing that keeps us pouring candle after candle...and that's to just have fun with it. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to hit the catnap.
  2. Beautiful work, Ducky!! I LOVE it!
  3. May be messy, but look at the beauty afterwards!! From what I can tell, nice job!!
  4. I was downstairs in my workspace just now, remelting some Eggnog and getting ready to start on my next major project when I saw something that threw me for a loop. The last few times I've made candles, I've noticed debris floating on the top, but here's the kicker... My cats were naturally hot and heavy into the Catnapolis, sounded like a herd of buffalo running insane above my head. It wasn't until there was a big pileup in turn three (kitchen, right above my head) that I saw the culprit of my debris dilemma. Dust, the occasional dead bug and a few other things I'm not sure what they were came floating down out of the floor boards. I grabbed a towel and quickly covered the wax that was in my Presto, although I'm not sure why I did that considering there was already debris from the last pileup in the wax. I'm not really in the mood to completely re-vamp the workspace, and trying to stop the nightly Catnapolis is like trying to stop a stampede of Elephants, it's NOT going to happen and where I have my Presto is the most level spot on my workbench. Can't give them any 'nip either, that turns the Catnapolis into WWF Feline, we've already heard the story on that. What I was thinking was using the lid for the Presto. What I'm worried about is condensation inside the pot itself when I do that. Anybody have any ideas on how the heck I can stop the floaties and keep the natives happy??
  5. Oh yeah, I think the longest I've had to wait to unmold one once I put it in the fridge has been half an hour, maybe less and I always put them in the fridge, middle shelf.
  6. Great stress relievers to make as well. Frustrated, upset, mad? Just make a marble, you'd be surprised how the transference of emotion to creativity will rock your world. The one I'm making this weekend should be a serious beauty, lots of pent up frustration is gonna get released with this one.
  7. LOOKIT WHAT YOU DID!!! OMG, I LOVE IT!!!! I KNEW that marble would look awesome with that mold!! Great job, Auntie D!!! I very proud!!! :bliss:
  8. Actually, Robin, I think you're right. There's been a few here that says a signature is a must to get the package, I've never had to. And I believe it's a matter of safety more in the suburbs than anything, some of the neighborhoods here in KC are pretty frickin' rough. I DO know that during the Christmas rush that changes slightly, but don't hold me to that.
  9. As much as I'd like to be able to rattle off a bunch of scents and candles, I'm only making one this weekend, the rest of the time it's getting with my sister to coordinate Thanksgiving dinner since it's here, clean the house because I have family from out of town coming in and getting my breakfast bar finally installed.
  10. What you might try is when you are filling the mold with wax, pull it away from the mold itself and drop dye into the melted wax. That's how I get some of my big splotches of color. Could also take a spoon or something, dive down into the wax and give it a good stir, sometimes moving it around brings the color to the surface as well. But I likes lots!!!
  11. I tend to think of candlemaking as a form of meditation. To some, it's crochet, to others, it's working on cars, raking leaves, maybe even fix the roof. It's a way to connect oneself to the creative energies of the universe and those within ourselves. So no, it's not work, even when I call it that on the rarest of occasions. It's my paradise, my void, my place of peace. Okay, now that I've got the universal gushy stuff out of the way.... ROFL!!!! OMG, YOU WOULD SAY THAT!!!
  12. Beautiful babe, just BEAUTIFUL!! And I know about cold throw, my Green Tea here in the Green Room has done turned my cats into curly short hairs and my Spiced Cranberry in the bathroom has slowly begun to invade the scent of my towels. You've GOT to love it when it comes together!!!
  13. Well, since I'm working tonight, I'm going to give Reggie a call and find out if I have a new driver on the route and how nice it would have been to have him at least stay at the door until I got there and opened it. I knew the last guy pretty well, he always knocked and waited. Now that we're coming up on the Christmas season, my neighborhood is 'quiet', but not that quiet, I can see someone floating around the area and snatch packages off porches. If I ever have a Peak's order stolen, God help them. Reggie is great gal to work with, she'll let me know for sure one way or the other.
  14. I've never had to sign for a UPS package. Although the only way I knew the guy had actually showed up was that he was nice enough to knock a couple of times and then when I got to the door, the truck was already gone.
  15. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it weren't for the fact that I've been putting plastic on my windows all day (three cats, plastic, two sided tape, blow dryer, tell me that wasn't a cat-tastrophe waiting to happen! I'm still not done either, have two more to do!), I probably would have been calling them a bazillion times. The good thing about working for BNSF, we work closely with UPS, I know all the big wigs and dispatchers, I probably could have gotten it sooner had I thought about it. Only reason I was sweating it this time is that I've got a "special project" that I've GOT to get done tonight, the next two nights I work and I'm not about to attempt to make this while I'm trying to work and sleep. It's got to be purrr-fect or I'll be mad.
  16. The snots made me sweat it out this go-round!!! I normally get my order from Peak's around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, I just NOW got it at 6:30 and they stop delivering at 7pm around here!! Let's not forget it's freezing outside, so when I opened everything up, my FO's were slightly foggy! Gonna have to wait to use them at room temperature to use them. Anybody else have to wait this long for UPS??
  17. I'm in agreement, Mozzie!! Great candle, Van!!!
  18. Yeah, that's our pyrotechnician for you. Wouldn't be the same if we didn't have one somewhere.
  19. Love a good bump and grind to Backdoor Man or Five to One... I don't know, maybe I'm weird but each candle I make has a specific song I listen to while I'm making it. Like the Black Raspberry Vanilla I did, I listened to Voices by Russ Ballard. It's a way for me to stay focused I guess. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the instructions!
  20. You're welcome! Going to bump this one on the occasion to make sure everyone gets theirs.
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