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Everything posted by DeAnna_EC

  1. my mom tried to teach me, but that didnt work out so well, so i just sat all by myself and kept at it, i finally managed to teach myself. youtube is great for learning, it helped me alot especially with difficult stitches.
  2. thanks :smiley2: i love loom knitting too, i think i have every loom you can think of, its really fun and easy. im working on my first Doll, hopefully she turns out. Im starting to micro crochet too (i need stronger glasses) its when you crochet with embroidery floss. Everything turns out miniature.
  3. my bumble bee and flower, the flower is stuffed and then on the bottom are glass rocks so its weighed down, i use it as a paper weight on my desk My goldfish and bubble - also weighted so it can be used on a desk or just to put somewhere - this is the first pattern i ever created *proud of self* [attach]18563[/attach] Ms Hippo with a flower on her ear - i just love her, im making her a pond with a tree [attach]18564[/attach]
  4. i think they relatively stay pretty clear, i would do small test batches if you have doubts about certain colors. test a small batch without FO, that way you can always remelt or use those amounts for chunks or curls
  5. excellent find!!! thats the first place i go when i walk into target. Ive picked up tons of silicone molds from that dollar section. i was just in there 2 days ago and found a stand mixer for $13 with attachments i guess i need to go back and see if they have those out, i have tons of loofa.
  6. fantastic job on all of them, did you use the nylon?
  7. wrap them in plastic or tissue paper and keep them in a dry place like a closet that doesnt get to much change in temp and they should be fine
  8. i think its called Tulle...that netting, i might have to try it with a a couple of different colored yards, i know the nylon cord/yarn would be way to rough on the skin, cotton is just icky for anything you wanna put in the bathroom, if i come up with something i will definitely post on it.
  9. ha ha i never thought to put a tumble weed, i have some fun fur that would be great for that!!
  10. thanks it was my first "crochet scene" i still need to put the beaded snake when i get the right size beads. my next one is going to be coral, sea anemone and hopefully a clown fish
  11. crocheted cactus...on the top fits a glass tealight holder
  12. i made one bath pouf....with the cotton yarn and it was heavy, didnt lather but was tooo cute. that is the biggest prob with making bath poufs right now, with everyone, the cotton just doesnt lather up and they do take forever to dry out. im still looking for the "perfect" yarn for a bath pouf, not sure i'll ever find it LOL
  13. http://www.hookedonneedles.com/2009/05/crocheted-dish-scrubbie-video-tutorial.html scroll down to see the video. i thought this one was really neat looking and very very easy to make. She only uses chain stitching and single crochets. i think im going to make several of these and use them as bath poufs. putting two different colors together and attaching a cord for hanging.
  14. i also saw a few round ones, that had the netting on one side then the cotton on the other, i believe they just stitched them together i really liked those, i might have to try them. i always find it easier to increase with a square than with anything round, i really have to concentrate and use a stitch marker or i just get a big bunched up thingy.
  15. i found several patterns for these, round and square. the one i like the best is leave a long tail make a square - chain 22, dc into each stitch across (dont forget to chain 2 at the end of the row or it will bunch up) make 22 rows bind off leaving a long tail sew together to make a tube at each end take the tail and gather all around (stitch with the tail so when you pull it it gathers the ends together) pull one end through tube to the other side it will turn inside out, then pull the other end so it scrunches up put stitches to hold it together. hope that makes sense...it makes a nice full scrubbie with layers. i like this because you can make them small or big depending on what you want to do with them.
  16. is this worked in round or is it more like a square, if youre working in the round and the ends are curling up, maybe youre not increasing properly, or not adding enough stitches this makes things curl up. i think i know what youre talking about, ive never tried to make one, but i will try this morning after i get my kiddo's out of the house. I dont have any nylon netting, but lets see what i can come up with.
  17. i believe the one i had was from candle science, it was very nice, i still have some mp that i made with it.
  18. white tea and berries, love that scent, you could do some layers, just a little clay to get a nice berry color and white....yummy!!
  19. have you looked on unlimited molds, they have really cute cookie molds, i have a few. http://unlimitedmolds.com
  20. i wait for a thin layer to form and i take a skewer and make swirls on the top, lift it and twist it here and there, let it set up again til a thin layer forms and basically do the same thing again. OR i take my ol wisk and whip the soap alittle bit til its frothy, then pour it on the top of say my log, let it set up a bit and fluff it up with a fork...you dont wanna wisk it to much or it will turn to soap rubber, but just enough so it will settle with some foam on the top...hope that makes sense
  21. for the skin i would pour the two halves of the sphere mold with red, then pour it out until i had a "shell" then pour in the white or flesh of the apple and seal the mold. i cant remember where i saw sphere molds but they are definitely out there.
  22. i put mine in the drawstring bags from ky candle with a hang tag on them, that way people can still open the bag and get a sniff and reclose it easily.
  23. just pack em, and rub your finger over the holes to even it out and press together, hold for a few mins and then gently release
  24. i saw the apple soap...looks like he just does a ball mold, slices it like an apple and imbeds it his soaps are pretty but theyre just embeds, you could create that easy. Just use your imagination.
  25. i use a turkey baster or pipettes, depending on small the cavity is that i want to fill with different colors
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