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Everything posted by *Dee*

  1. what are some must haves from millcreek, i am going to place an order soon and would like all of your opinions on their F/O's.. also has anyone used their lotion and body spray compared to WSP's ?? it is amazing how millcreek is further away but yet the shipping is cheaper for it.. and do they not sell bottles ??
  2. ohhhhh i might just have to try theirs, i absolutley love NG's it smells exactley like it, like you just opened a box of them under your nose..
  3. Can't NG's chocolate covered cherries be bath and body safe ?? it smells ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so good, i want it in lotions lol i love it love it love it
  4. *Dee*

    Aroma Beads..

    i have an electric over lol.... has anyone used the corn cob verses aroma beads ? from what i have been reading the corn cob u can get from walmart and save on shipping and a heck of alot cheaper.. any pro's or con's on the crushed corn cob ?
  5. *Dee*

    Aroma Beads..

    ok question for you all that make aroma beads for the sachet bags.. can someone help me out on instructions for these ? i dont want to scent whole pounds, so any tips on how much beads and how much F/O ??
  6. this is a new scent at NG and i have heard people mention this one before, i know all suppliers scents are different but i wanted to know to those who have used/smelled this what they thought of it regardless of the supplier, thanks
  7. yeah they emailed me and said on the box it says plain 415.. so does that meen it is the gb 415 then ??
  8. i use natures gardens and i love it, but i have never smelled the one from VS but from what i am told mine smells just like it..
  9. so from what i have been told by a few people this was is the GB 415 brand , which is the ezsoy that i use.. i buy alot of my F/O's from NG and since it is closer to me the shipping would be better for the wax and if i am buying in bulk i can drive the 2.5 hours to get it.. anyways i decided to call and ask them cuz i need to make an order soemtime this week.. and of course they couldnt tell me who their supplier was, lol i didnt want to know who their supplier was just if it is the same or not so i guess since i am going to be testing out new wicks i can test out this wax as well... but once again can you all reasure me that it is the GB 415 lol
  10. ok you twisted my arm lol, i am gonna order cd 10 and cd 12 to start the testing process.. wish me luck and hope to be able to just use these 2 for all my scents lol
  11. has anyone tried these ? what do you think about them ?
  12. argh lol, you are making me want to try the cd's lol , i keep going back and forth on this..
  13. hmmm i can only think of that one and chanel # 5 ...
  14. is it by chance patchouli ??? a very deep musk smell ?
  15. yeah i think before i start testing with a bunch of new wicks im just gonna order my hemp wicks from BCN again and see how it is then, cuz i honestly think it is just the NG wicks.. maybe they are old or something, i dunno
  16. thanks tootie i am sooo upset over these wicks it has to be because the wicks are from natures garden verses BCN, cuz i am not getting a HT off the ones with the new wicks from NG but when i light a candle with the old wicks from BCN the HT is awesome, but i cant judge for sure thought because it isnt the same scent as the other 2... but that is the only thing i changed was i ran out of the 1400 wicks from BCN and had just ordered some from NG and used them.. argh argh argh
  17. ok, thats what alot of people have said but i kept looking at the chart and started thinking lol... i just dont want it to burn too fast, but i dont want any hang up on the sides either..
  18. for 8 ounce jelly jars using ezsoy with no color ... the jelly jars are 2 1/5 inch diameter... the cd 8's from wsp say for use in candles 2.5-3 inch diameter and the cd 10's say 3-3.5 inch diameter jars.. now the cd 8's seem like they would do the best for the size jar, but alot of people are saying they use a cd 10 - 12 .. wouldnt a 10 burn too hot for the jelly jar ? and one other question about the CD wicks, do they tend to smoke or mushroom ?? so what is your opinion CD 8 or 10 to start with ? i know F/O's will burn differently the heavier ones will need wicked up ect ect, but i need a good starting point, ive never used CD's so need some help.. TIA
  19. i know natures garden has it, but i havent tried it yet
  20. thanks, it has to be that, cuz i cant see not coloring my candles making this big of a difference, i figured there would be some difference but this is huge.. the wicks looked different than the ones from bcn too.. spacegirl which cd's do you recommend me trying first ?
  21. something is deff up with these wicks, i started burning the raspberry zinger and within 45 minutes i had a melt pool all the way across, within an hour and a half i had a melt pool of 1/4 inch.. these are burning way too fast and will not give me a HT just smells like hot wax, even my hubby said it this time, but the candle has a great CT .. the only thing i did differently was, i usually order my wicks through BCN but i had made an order at NG and just bought them there with this order, can the wicks be that much different from different suppliers ? i ask this cuz i went and looked at compared NG to BCN's and they have different info for the wicks.. like different diameters for the jars.. ugh what to do what to do, i have never had this problem before, and the only thing different are the wicks are from a different company... idea's or advice anyone ??
  22. thanks.. the raspberry zinger is wicked with a 1400 so i will burn that to test and see how it does too, and then re lite the chocolate covered cherries for the 3rd burn and take pics off all of them, maybe it is just me thinking it is burning too hot, but it is burning different without color in them.. i remember the 1200's always left wax on the sides of the jars before with most of the scents but that was when they were colored, maybe without them being colored they would do better,
  23. i'm going to take some pics too of this burn i do with the raspberry zinger and post them and see what u all think..
  24. it was a hemp 1400... but it just didnt seem right, im gonna lit a rapsberry zinger candle i have made here ina little bit and test it out too .. my dh said he smelled the chocolate covered cherries until i blew it out , maybe i just had a candle nose there for a bit ??
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