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Everything posted by *Dee*

  1. with the demensions i am getting for a 2.5-3 inch jar the cd 8's are recommended.
  2. sorry ... the jars are 2 1/2 inches in diameter, and the jar is 4 inches tall
  3. Just curoius on the CD wicks, what size you all use in your JJ's.. i have always used the hemp wicks, but there is only 2 places i order them from.. i am thinking of switching to CD wicks cuz most suppliers offer this type of wick.. i just hate to have to do all the retesting, but i can still make and sell the candles with the hemp wicks till i get the new ones tested.. now from what wsp is saying on their site a CD 8 is used with the 8 ounce JJ's.. but i think i have heard people saying they use CD 10's for most and 12's for the ones they need to wick up.. and i have also seen people saying they use CD 14.. so if anyone can give me a good starting point, i would be very grateful.. thanks..
  4. since we are on the subject though, have you ever thought about buying the F/O and some cyclo and making your own cologne ?
  5. lol ohhh i thought you wanted the F/O .. my bad... ya know if i would read slower i would have caught that lol
  6. check this out, 18.95- 36.01 depending on the concentration you want to buy http://www.saveonscents.com/product_info.php/cPath/19_20_49/products_id/932
  7. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    no i wish i was... hubby would flip if he had to have all 3 kids that long... LOL ... im gonna check out KY now
  8. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    LOL now i am looking at their lotions and other bases lol
  9. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    oh crud.... i just realized soap guys are for 25 pounds sfic's is for 43 pounds... thats a big difference... well i can do a co-op at the very end of june lol... i wont have the money for awhile anyway. probally with my big tax break refund hahaha early june baby !!
  10. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    lol i just checked the prices on the goats milk and shea butter SFIC ~ 141.90 soap guy ~ 143.73 not much of a difference besides i dont have a minimum, now they are both from california i bet shipping to PA would be alot
  11. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    here is a place that sells them in bulk that doesnt require a minimum that i can see http://soapguys.com/soapbasedropdown.asp
  12. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    http://www.sficcorp.com/index.asp there is a minimum to buy though and it is alot nothing i could afford.. i havent been here 6 months either the end of june i will be
  13. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    Has anyone done a co-op for the bases right from sfic ??? i think that could be alot cheaper....
  14. well i ordered these what tuesday ? and they came today and i am happy with them i paid for 7 day shipping though and it only took 2 days lol
  15. *Dee*

    SFIC bases ??

    yeah it is still mp soap
  16. i believe thats what they are called... anyway i am in nw pa. can someone tell me the closest place to me that sells these bases?
  17. i always google candle suppliers by state and it brings it up
  18. this place has nectarine only one i found on the fragrance oil finder http://www.tayloredconcepts.com/fruitsandveggies.htm
  19. hmmm all i have is ez soy though no other waxes.. should i get a different wax just for the melts or maybe just get some pam and spray the clamshells b4 i pour ?
  20. Hmmmm, it must be maybe something to do with my water cuz being city water it is very chlorinated, the tester who has already told me she really likes it and her skin is silky and smooth has well water so it isnt as "hard" as mine... i am still waiting to hear from my other tester who has the same city water as i do..
  21. no i figured I will put them in the freezer to be able to loosen them so when they customers get them they pop right out for them...
  22. ok i popped them into the freezer for a few minutes and got them to release..
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