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Everything posted by coco

  1. Hehe it also works for damn husband when the situation arises
  2. DH= Darling husband DD+ Darling Daughter etc etc
  3. You could buy a base if you like, but if you want to make it yourself there is a bit more to it I personally like to make them myself so that I can put exactly what ingredients I want in them and I can also tweak the texture. Take a looksie in the B&B recipe section, there are some great recipes along with instructions there!
  4. Awww! I just love this story, and the fact that you send out the card with every candle is such a neat idea.
  5. I see that you are in Arizona, there is a great place in San Diego called Herbal Accents.. shipping would probably be much cheaper than from MMS and they have lots of other B&B goodies as well
  6. Woo hoo! Did you also say they were poured with more love than the paraffin? Nevermind, don't do that! I think I'm going to go with that for my own new marketing technique! Good luck with the 2008 sales!
  7. Cyber, I honestly wouldn't even worry about justifying the price difference unless you are asked. Think about it.. when was the last time you were shopping online and there was a written explanation as to why one product was more expensive than the other? I think you are worrying about it too much . People will usually just naturally assume that higher cost= higher quality item (I know I do)!
  8. I can appreciate brutally frank though I would NEVER take that approach myself :whistle: It's as my DH says: "Any time you get a bunch of women together in one place there's bound to be trouble" Tread lightly! You never know when PMS may be around the corner waiting for you!
  9. Hehe I love Fiddlesticks! Cute name.
  10. I know it doesn't simplify anything for you, but I have always charged more for palm because it does cost me more and well, it really is more of a pita for me to work with! As far as justifying it... it is more expensive. Period. No one but you knows how much you pay for paraffin or palm and hey, it does look so much more exotic! Get creative, say they were poured with more love than the others lol :smiley2:
  11. I'll dig up a few good simple recipes with combos of both and pm them to you Violet. SUPER fun stuff once you realize just how easy it is! And if you're a lotion wh0re like me, it really is inexpensive to make.
  12. And you are... who? Did you join the forum as a moderator and maybe we missed it? I actually had some positivity to share, which believe me is rare, as I'm generally pretty b*tchy (hey I'm working on it ) but these comments just threw all that out the window. I can only assume that you are new to message boards in general, so I will offer you some valuable advice in regards to posting: Do not speak to people as if you are their superior if you wish to have a platform. I can only speak for myself here, but this made me feel as if I were a child who just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar...
  13. Yes, when a recipe calls for say 6 oz. oils you can split it up into 3 different oils at 2 oz (which I would do because I like to have as many benefits as possible ) or 2 at 3 oz, whatever you have on hand. That's the beauty of lotion making, you can use virtually any oils your little heart desires! The butters will make for a thicker, creamier lotion and are nice to add IMO.
  14. FO to remove dye? Um... :undecided the thought of cleaning anything with my precious FO makes me cry a little inside
  15. I'm dying to try Egyptian Dragon as well.. Bert's Exotic Teak is one of my favorites, give that a whiff!
  16. Awesome! May you sell even more in the new year!
  17. Does mulled wine count? It has been raining here for the past couple days, hopefully it clears up by the time you get here! Have a safe trip and a wonderful holiday!
  18. Yes Stella, hence the Quote: Originally Posted by coco This topic is over. I apologize for the hi-jack once again all
  19. I'm afraid I don't need your permission to call you anything. You brought the lack of respect upon yourself by telling everyone you were a older woman, then a kid, then a male... who even knows. Your posts are always one contradiction to your story after another. Personally, I take offense to someone who comes on a public forum and consistently lies. At first I felt sorry for you, now I just find it annoying that I constantly have to read through your BS when trying to find information. I will not be referring to you as anything in the future, as I don't enjoy the hostility you bring out in me. This topic is over.
  20. I don't know, but it sounds like it would be pretty darn cute if it worked!
  21. The prior posts are what made this hilarious to me initially Deb, apparently those who came to defend the issue aren't familiar with "its" situation. Must....learn...to...ignore...it....
  22. I apologize as well for the hijack! I didn't intend to start an argument and this will be my last post on this particular subject.. Miz, this is EXACTLY what I was trying to say in my post. Like I said, apples and apples- there is no difference if you do it one way or the other. And yes, how you figure that amount in your mind is personal preference in that regard. I was trying to determine if you did both (i.e. included an hourly wage into the cost to produce the item PLUS adding a profit, which is what SS said he was doing and makes no sense). My initial point before we started getting into tax issues, was that if attempting to figure how much of a profit you will make on an item (in your own mind), calculating your own hourly wage into your costs doesn't work as it isn't an accurate figure. It would make more sense to say "Ok I've got $6.75 out of my pocket into this candle. I would like to make $6.25 for my time, so I need to sell it for $13". Not "This candle cost me $13 (because it didn't) so I need to sell it for $20. I hope that makes more sense...
  23. I completely agree with you Stella in that there is no "one way" in that it does vary greatly in how businesses are set up. And yes, how people do "arrive" at their cost does differ depending on just how much they want to manipulate the system I do know however, that there are SEPERATE entries on a schedule c tax form for "cost of goods sold" and "labor". They are deducted differently and need to be differentiated for a reason (I know this from experience, as I was audited in the beginning and had included my employee's pay in that section-this cost me $8500). To each his own, and I'm sure nothing but owing the IRS will change the way people do things. To be honest, I wouldn't even had responded or found it so amusing had it been anyone other than SS that mentioned it. As far as what I do and don't know about you or your business SS- I've been following your lies for quite awhile now, I know all that I need to...
  24. I completely agree, and I definitely have to hand it to you for your motivation and willingness to work for your own money at your age. My 16 year old doesn't do anything but stare at MySpace all day. Now if you actually read my entire posts on why calculating paying yourself into the COST of the candle doesn't make sense, you wouldn't have taken such offense.
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