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Everything posted by Rae

  1. Thank you, everybody, for all the kind comments. I appreciate it.
  2. Beautiful soap Billie & Wayne. You know the splotches gives it a personality. I get those in my soap. I really like your soap. Keep on soaping and posting pics.:yay::yay: Rae
  3. I couldn't wait. I cut this just 14 hours after it was poured.
  4. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely gorgeous! I love the roses and all the colors. It couldn't be any prettier. Now, the painting............I am speechless! Billie has more talent in her little finger than I do in my whole body. WOW! WOW! WOW! :yay::yay: Rae
  5. Here is my sweet tart funnel with yellow, lime, raspberry & purple micas. I am just having too much fun!:laugh2::laugh2: Rae
  6. Thank you everybody for all the nice comments.
  7. Thanks, Carole. No bites on our home, so Texas is not in our near future. darn, I sure want to get back home.
  8. Thanks! Barbara gave me a suggestion to try for loading pictures. I am going to try that way and if that fails I will contact Kris. Thanks!
  9. Billie, you are just too kind, but thank you! I would post on the other site but I couldn't get a pic to post so I gave up.
  10. Thanks everybody. I don't think I have it yet, but I will keep trying until I get there.:laugh2: Rae
  11. Very pretty soap. Love the colors!:yay:
  12. Thanks, Soapbuddy! It didn't turn out as ugly as I thought it would.
  13. Here are the cut pictures. They aren't quit as ugly as they were at first.
  14. Billie, your soap are always so pretty. You do a great job. I will learn it some day.:laugh2:
  15. Thanks, Wayne, I do the pattern in the Saponifier magazine which is more like an L shape. I will figure it if it kills me.:laugh2::laugh2:
  16. You all are so kind. The swirls are not right, but I will keep going until I get it right. The colors didn't even turn out like I wanted. I will be cutting them today.
  17. Deb, It's princess pink. Sure didn't mean for it to be this dark.
  18. Beautiful as usual. Want to see those cut pics tomorrow.
  19. Okay, this time I remembered to use soap with lye for the swirling color. This was done in Love Spell with pink mica and violet mica. Thanks for looking. Rae
  20. Looks good enough to eat. It is absolutely beautiful! Rae
  21. Those are great looking soaps. You did a great job! :yay: Rae
  22. Hey, if someone can learn from my mistakes, it's worth it. Glad it was only a 15" log and not a 30" like Billie's. I will do it again and I bet next time it will look better. :laugh2: Rae
  23. Okay, I don't mind showing mistakes as long as I learn from them. So with that in mind, when I mixed my colors BEFORE adding the lye, well, I forgot to add the soap with lye to the black. So, needless to say the black ran. I will definitely try this again. Billie & Wayne, at least I tried.
  24. Very pretty soap. I also got the DSM on co-op, so can't wait to see yours cut. Rae
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