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Everything posted by suzanneg

  1. Thank you Judy! no I didn't get the Sterilites ones $1.49 each was too much!
  2. I love those! Fantastic Job!!!!!!!!!! I want to try that with my palm wax!!!
  3. Fantastic job!!!!!!! Can I have one?????
  4. Bruce can I have it???? It is:p awesome! Purty Please???? I said Please!!!!!
  5. Okay! I put the pics in the candle gallery!!!! :tiptoe:
  6. Okay! Here it is!!!!!!!!!! I used CS Starburst Palm wax, wick-CSN11, Mold -Metal 3 x 3, Fragrance is Black Cherry, Coloring - suppose to be a darker blackish/reddish color but it turned out too light! LOL Now I HAD to light it to test burn it, so this is the start of the test burn! nice looking melt pool so far!!!!! at least it is nice and round and not warpy!!!!! I will send other pics when the melt pool reaches another hour mark!
  7. dcroome, I think the palm wax gives off a better scent throw cold and hot! That is what my customers tell me! and that the scent goes everywhere in the house when they are burning them!
  8. Hi Tryppnotic I wouldn't use frost container wax in silicone molds! You need a pillar palm wax for those molds! that is why it left a mess in your molds
  9. Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!! They do so fantastic in the simmerpots!!!! Okay a little history on the mold I used! One dreary cloudy morning, I cranked up one of my melting pots on my stove and thought it was my palm container one. Well it was my palm pillar one :rolleyes2 So since I was in the kitchen at the time (my molds I use for left overs was downstairs), so I started looking for something I could pour the wax into but I could replace later on! I opened the last cabinet and waaalaaaaaa one of my ice cube trays!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am thinking "Man this wax is gonna melt this tray and I woould have a big huge mess!!!!!! So I watched it til it started to cure and felt that it was gonna be okay, so I ran out to TARGET and bought all of their 2 for $1.00 Ice cube trays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLLOL One for each scent!! Then I went to WALLY WORLD and bought me 2 presto pots and have used them ever since and they are wonderful!!!!!! Since I dont' have a stove downstairs I needed something i could heat the wax in and reading the posts on those pots I ran out and bought the last 2 they had on the shelf!!!!!
  10. KK if you do move get a house with a basement!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love mine! My work area already had linoleum down on the floor and I even have a firepalce in there too!!!!! but I don't use it! it has the gas thingy hooked up but I am terrified of gas heat. That is how we heat our upstairs of our house during the winter!
  11. okay I almost choked on my drink when I started reading these posts! :laugh2: I needed the laugh! Thanks guys!!!!!!!!! PIE-AGRA love that one!!!!!!!!
  12. yes where did you find those colored tins???? LOL I think you did a wonderful job!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hi Everyone! Thanks so much! I am a palm wax addict now! LOL has anyone geussed what mold I used to make these???????
  14. yes that is palm wax and I sell 8 of those for $6.99 and actually the cost is not that high to make them! Each one wieghs just over an ounce and I was afraid the bag wouldn't hold that many! As a matter of fact, when I added these to my shoppe they sold out quicker than my candles!
  15. Thanks everyone! Now waiting on this palm wax to cure!!!! LOL it is driving me crazy!!!!!!!! I will send in pics of before and after burn time too! Yes I am excited cause the posts and pics I have seen and read have been so inspiring and beautiful!!!!!!!! I have an idea for the embossing look thingy and have to find my tools and try it!!!!!!!! I hope it works out and that I can get the picture in my head to make the candles look like it! (did that make sense? ) thanks! You guys are the best! (or the bomb as my son says!!!! )
  16. yea what Stella and chris said! I haven't heard of double wicking a votive and even I HAVE stupid customers that don't follow burning rules So I would test and retest and rethink. I make my candles based on how my customers are and how I would want that candle to burn! But if you can make a go of it! Go for it!!!!!!!
  17. I got the bags at www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com this bag is a 16 oz. size and they have other sizes and colors.
  18. Hi here is a picture of my wax melts and packaging! I know that label can be better but hey I am not a label maker! (all the info is on the label, too!!!! ) they weigh over an ounce each! I get 8 of them in each bag!
  19. I double wick my 14 oz. and 10 oz. keepsake jars cause single wicking doesn't get it! I also use CSN 11's There is a little bit of hang up on first burn but after the 2nd burn, 3rd burn it goes away!
  20. I had to stop making candles due to the fact that soy and parrafin was giving me migraines! I couldn't take it anymore so I had to quit! when I did stop I joined Mia Bella cause I wanted candles in my shoppe! then 2 months ago I found the palm wax and since Mia bella uses palm wax in thier candles, I knew this wax wouldn't give me migraines! So I bought the palm wax and for 2 months I played with it! well the last 2 weekends I sold out of the candles I put in my shoppe! lol That was kinda like a testing period! So when I get enough of my candles made and put in my store I will quit Mia Bella! They nickle and dime ya to death with all of these fees and I know they have a much bigger overhead than I do, but I still like to make my own candles plus more profit in my pocket. Oh and I am working on my candle pages for my website, I have been working on my work shoppe downstairs to accommate my candle making equipment (I had it packed up) and haven't had a chance to take pics yet. LOL but I am getting there! Just keep checking back! and yes I need to update! Candle making is so addictive that I forget everyhting else! I am like in another world and nothing else matters or exists! I need a toilet, tv and bed downstairs Hope this answers any more questions! PS I make my bath and body and incense and fragrance oils too! So I keep pretty busy!
  21. kandlekrazy I love making a lot of colors too and fragrances! Down here in the south customers love variety!!!!!!! that is why i have over 200 fragrances in my shoppe!
  22. Sharon I will keep my fingers crossed!!!!! oh and on the chocolate.........my doctor said I couldn't eat it! I had a kidney stone many years ago and the calcium deposits in the caffiene is what caused it. Plus no soda's, alcoholic drinks or anything with caffeine!!!!!!! He just took the fun out outta me!!!!!!!!!!
  23. kandlekrazy I thought the same thing when I poured my first palm container! LOL
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