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Posts posted by kandlekrazy

  1. For most of us it is the quantity of each scent you would need to buy.  They don't want to deal with the small operations.  Some of suppliers we buy from do cut the oils and some do not.  Many, Many of the supplier we buy from "own" their scents, so the mfg will not sell you what they have.  It's trial and error but there is the fragrance oil review by supplier section here on the forum that will tell you which fo's work and which do not.  It hasn't been going for a long time but the fragrance one has it just takes more searching.  There are also many threads about "favorite" suppliers.

  2. If your wax/wicks are working with everything else, the fo probably did change.  I had a supplier tell me that very same thing and just looking at the bottles (lavender in this case) the oil was a totally different color.  It never performed as before so I know that it was being sourced elsewhere or since fo a formula had changed.

    • Like 3
  3. My brother is the same, he can't be around a burning soy candle so we always have paraffin for when he is staying at our homes, he has no reaction to that.  That being said, it doesn't mean this lady isn't also allergic to paraffin.  Like others said not worth changing for 1 customer but you could recommend she try a paraffin candle.

    • Like 1
  4. At 115 is was getting too hard to pour?  I make 1-2 # batches at a time and haven't had that happen. A lot depends on the amount your making at a time of a scent, your room temp, airflow and how fast it is cooling down.  You should be able to get in a groove where you can pour cool enough and get them poured without too much trouble.  Sometimes I end up with a tiny bit on the bottom that has set up if my surface is cooler than the room.

    • Like 1
  5. I have never had clams turn stinky and I've made hundreds of thousands of them.  Sometimes they have a plastic smell when I unbox the big box but a day in the air clears that out.  I have bought some and I don't recall where that had a skunky smell on arrival, but there again airing out cleared it up.

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/5/2019 at 2:59 AM, Trappeur said:

    What fragrance(s) have been your best sellers this past year (2018) whether you sell to stores or craft shows or consignment?

    Any new ones that you added to your regular line?

    Any fragrances that you dropped?

    Any new style jars?

    I'll go first.....

    I sell to stores.


    One store pretty much stays the same even though she did try a few new scents.

    Her jars are the 22oz tureens and the tiny 5oz italian canning jars.

    #1 Seller is Pineapple Cilantro

    #2, #3, #4: pretty much stays the same;  Basil, Sage, & Mint, Lux Linen, Lemon Verbena

    #5: Crackling Firewood which is renamed Christmas Hearth (she sells all year long).  Sales doubled this year on this scent.

    Slower sellers this past year due to her burning only what she likes which is the Pineapple Cilantro her sales went down on the Chardonnay, Vanilla Champagne and Southern Sweet Tea.


    My biggest account (the apple orchard)

    There is no best sellers there as they all sell....as long as their name is on the label, they all fly out the door.   Even new scents sell equally as well.


    Another account a little country store in the back woods here the best sellers are:

    #1:   Orange Creamsicle

    #2:   Cinnamon Broom

    #3:   Balsam Fir

    #4:   Farmhouse Cider

    Their jar is the pint canning jar with black lid.

    Pineapple Cilantro is a new one I made up for this shop this past year and it's really moving pretty fast.


    Tropical scents are moving pretty well....you wouldn't think here in the mountains that that type scent would move but they are.   I just got in a sample of Monkey Farts from RE and it really is a wonderful scent that I'm loving myself and I'm not into that type scent.  I made up samples and brought to all these shops of a dupe of Aveda called Rosemary mint and 2 shops are going with this new one.










    I think that sometimes, maybe more often than I even think, people want to be taken somewhere else by a candle or scent.  Live in the mountains, they don't all want to smell pine or earthy scents in their home but maybe a tropical scent to take them to Hawaii or Bali.  Prob why the tropicals sell pretty well, plus they are just great scents!

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, candlesinflorida said:

    Really?? Could kerax actually just be Ecosoya wax?

    IDK for sure but I know this company came up on another forum or possibly on Facebook and it was stated that they are distributors for Ecosoya.  That doesn't mean they don't make their own wax as well.  I'd shoot them an email or phone call.

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