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Everything posted by southern.scents

  1. Im looking for new products. With the holiday season coming up, who am I kidding, already here... Im looking into opening a shop, a temporary shop, just for a few months this winter and then going back to my displays unless I do really good. Anyways, I need some new products ideas.that are pretty quick and simple to make but I am open to any ideas you might have. Here are the items that I already make, or are in the works: Candles Bar Soap Cut Soap Multi-Freshener Lotion Lotion Sticks Lip Balm Car Fresheners Carpet Freshener Hand Sanitizer Anti Bacterial Soap Reed Diffusers Bath Salt Sachet Shower Gel/Shampoo Country Bumpkins T-Shirts Strummin (my new line of jewelry) Earrings Strummin Bracelets Strummin Cell Phone Charms Jams and Jelly Candle Quenchers ( just saw these as like wick dippers, mine are FO that you drop into candles or tarts that are on the warmer. Laundry Detergent Fire Starters THE HITLIST ( a new line of t-shirts) I am also doing slideshow DVD's for my high school which seem to be doing great. I might even expand to all the Local Schools next year. I think I must have some mental disorder:o . I continue to want to take on more and more. Maybe its just the entreprenuer in me:confused: .
  2. At that, could you not just take the FO and lightly brush it on unscented fabric sheets and allow it to dry. A really lengthy process but it could be worth it. I'll test it when I get some more FO in. I have COMPLETELY sold out of everything. Guess its because the holiday season is coming up.
  3. Ask for business name, phone number and address. Do a search and make sure he is legit. He could be looking for free samples.
  4. You HAVE to try the buttercream frosting. It smells great. Very sweet smell. Normally when I order, I add in about four of their sample packs so that I have some extra fragrances to play around with.
  5. I bet that works great. Im going to try some of the liquid kind. Anyone know where I could get some boxes that might work for packaging. Low minimum, like 10.
  6. I'll check into that. I don't think it will be a big problem. If it sells good, and that becomes a problem I will just go to the company and get permission if possible.
  7. We have tons of furniture made from it which is a great way to remember him. The shavings are about 80% dust and 17% curls, which look really nice, and 3% chunks and larger chips. I sprinkle some of the curls on top to give a frilly look.
  8. The laundry detergent worked great. No harm to the clothes and they smell great. You should smell them when they are in the dryer.
  9. Okay, I read abou these and just had to make some. My great grandfather handplaned a bunch of beautiful cedar before he died and we treasure it for how great it looks. Turns out there are tons of shavings in our shop so I grabbed a bag of those and made some. They burned great. They even lasted 45 minutes and burned well enough to give off some warmth ( I love to lay near the warmth of the fireplace in the winter so, when I was testing these I layed about three feet away and felt warmth just from the starter.) Not sure how well they will go over here but thats what trial runs are for. I'm thinking 50 cents each will do pretty well here seeing as how a fire starter runs upwards of $3. Thanks for the idea.
  10. Not sure where this would go but I was just wondering if anyone had tried making scented laundry detergent. My mom has been begging me to make some so I picked up a box of unscented powdered detergent and mixed in some FO. It smells great. I am worried that the FO may mess up the clothes but she was determined... so we used it on some of our beach towels so that if they did get ruined it would not matter too much. I will let you all know how they turn out.
  11. Just did a search and found what I was looking for. Thanks though.
  12. Firestarters, hmmmmm... I don't guess I have ever heard or seen them. Do you actually use them in your fireplace? Do you scent them? Could you post a pic?
  13. I use the dye chips and they work great for me. I don't heat mine up though. I just mix really well and eventually the dye works in.
  14. Definitely try walmart in the eading and crafts section. I just bought some the other day.
  15. We lost . It wouldnt be so bad if it was not our first game. Last year we went all the way to South State. We moved up to 2a this year though so, we are playing a whole new line of teams. I think we will do better after a couple of games.
  16. I have a close up of it in the mold and one a few of it cut somewhere around here. Give me a day or two and I'll find it. Tonights our first football game of the season so I'll be busy.
  17. I made these a while back it has just taken a while to get some picks together. It is melt and pour that I worked and worked on getting just right. Several of the prior batches just turned out bad. This batch came out ok. I had to overpour twice, because I forgot to add a block of my soap into the melter so thats why the bottom is a little more swirled than the top. I used bread loaf pan that gives them a nice shape and adds ripples to the bottom which are great help when cutting.
  18. I appologized already, thats all I can do. I have learned from my mistakes and I am certain it won't happen again.
  19. I am marketing to females, so, I write to feminine people.DUH!!!! For God's sake, I am the owner of Southern Scents. I am 16. When I pretended to be older, you guys all wanted to say I was younger, now that I am admitting to be the young person you said I was, I am not really 16.
  20. All legalities such as tax and insurance are worked out. Legally, I cannot own the business, I am too young for the insurance and tax info so all of this is under my mothers name. The jams and jellies have been being made for years. My great grandfather passed them down. He once grew and sold cane sugar and made these jam and jellie reicipes using his own sugar. I of course don't make my own sugar but the jams and jellies have been tested throught out many years. Either way, I am going to have to work on the legalities of selling the jam and jellies so they have been pulled from my shelves.
  21. I posted my appology just as you posted this.
  22. I wasn't gonna put my full DL , just my pic and birthdate, Im not totally ignorant,lol. I did not lie to anyone period until I got on here. I appologize for lying.I made a stupid mistake and truly regret such. The iron on transfer wont crack, I searched and bought some that guarenteed that they would not. I have already found a screen printer and will get some shirts printed when funds have accumulated enough to do such. Thanks
  23. I am not trying to con anyone, shall I post a pic of my Drivers License, without my DL number of course. I DID own an electronics business. The website was gracelectronics.com. I was 13 when I started. I thinks its kind of hard for you guys to see a 16 yo carrying many quality products just because you cant or have not done such or you do not know anyone who has.
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