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Everything posted by southern.scents

  1. I'll have to take you one and upload it. It may be a few days. Just got some supplies given to me so I am playing around with those.
  2. I am so blessed to have great friends and fellow business owners. While I was at work a while ago, a fellow business owner brought me some candle making supplies that she bought years ago and told me I could have them. Well there was a pouring pot, 50 wicks, 12 votive molds, 5 dye blocks, 20 ounces of fragrance, 10 pounds of wax and a thermometer, all never used! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: Well, needless to say, I am pouring some votives right now but, could I use my EcoSoya CB Advanced to pour some? They are gonna be used in votive holders so I don't see what harm it would cause but those of you who are experience when it comes to votives might be able to tell me if I can and that would make me feel a little better about it. Thanks. Adam.
  3. I made my own. I got a regular brief case and removed all of the stuff from the inside. I left the pockets that are on the top part of the case. I then bought some foam, you can sometimes get it at autoshops or upholstery shops( they use it to fix seats). You can cut your foam to fit all of your products and then wrap it in some fabric similar to what is on thepockets in the top or if you removed all of the insides, just start over with all new fabric.
  4. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43151&highlight=urn
  5. I could swear that there has been a post about people doing this and from what they said it works great. Im gonna see if I can find it.
  6. I'm sure it will work but I bet water based fragrance would work even better. Try gelluminations.com, they have some. I have thought about buying some to use in mop water and see what it would do. It would probably make the house smell terrific but Im not sure what it might do to the floors.
  7. Stressful huh? But, if your like me, pouring candles and soap and other things just seems to relax it all. I love the anticipation I feel when I know an order of supplies is coming. You should type up a wholesale contract that says 100$ MIMIMUM and state somehow that what they order must be paid for. Try getting half up front.
  8. Wow, now that is hilarious. I know better than use translators again. They all seem to do fine when translating from one language to english but no so great from english to another language. Sorry OFCI. I truly meant well. Here is what they read. I ask for that she removes immediately my image of my lit cut the candle on green and white from its website! She has not that the permission to use whatever of my images from my website according to the lecterns/note of copyright on my place! Please of to remove whatever and all of the reference to my image immediately! To thank it
  9. Is it really that bad? LOL. I knew just enough to tell that it was Italian, not to write a paragraph so I did use a translator.
  10. I am glad that they are refunding the money. My uncle, the one who's card number got stolen from resturaunt, has been trying to get his back for two months now. He finally decided to pay it so the interest would quite compounding on him.
  11. Copy and Paste this. Exact thing you have posted except in italian. Richiedo che lei tolga subito la MIA immagine del MIO lit tagliato la candela su verde e bianca dal suo sito web! Lei non ha che il permesso per usare qualunque delle mie immagini dal mio sito web secondo il leggi/nota di copyright sul mio luogo! Per favore di togliere qualunque e tutto il riferimento alla mia immagine subito! RingraziarLa
  12. My uncle had his card numbers stolen from him by a waitress at a nice resturaunt. The person who stole it needed a computer we guess, they purchased a 2,000 dollar one. He was pretty livid. It has taken him two months to get it all fixed. Definitely get the PP Key. It is free if you are registered as a business account. Another tip, A credit card can only be registered on one paypal account so, if you have them all listed on your one account then there is no way that they are using your card on another account. Hope all work out.
  13. info@hobbycandele.com' i looked for the pic your were talking about but couldn't find it. I read your comment although, the only way I could see it was in html and I could not tell if it was in english or if it was in italian, either way, I'm pretty sure that they will figure it out somehow. They should have at least asked and provided a link to your site.
  14. Definitely Italian. I know just a wittle bit. I will see if I can find you an email address at least.
  15. Guess it varies from bank to bank. This was the credit union that I use and they gladly took it. I was expecting the same answer that you received because of the fact that some people are very sensitive.
  16. Well, one of my most succesfull attempts at promotion was giving a free candle to my bank. I told them that I was giving it to them as long as they would burn it in the bank. They sat it right there on the counter and burned that sucker for several until there was little left and I ended up getting SEVERAL orders from that one candle.
  17. I can see how that might host a few problems, lol. I just thought that you might have stretched it a bit far but they look really good. Are you using an injet or a laser printer? I ask becuase I am thinking about purchasing a laser color printer to speen up the process of printing labels and the multiple other projects that I have taken on such as Slide Show DVD's that I am compiling for people to send as Christmas presents.
  18. I think they both look great but, I would go with the no border becuase of the point you made, they sometimes get cut off when printing. I, at one point went and changed my template for all of my labels etc so I could add a border only to find out that the border never printed perfectly so I changed back to the borderless.
  19. I think your candles look great but, I do suggest to crop your pictures so that when you are fitting them on you label they are not stretched. It may just be the pic that you uploaded but it looks as if the lime is stretched vertically. Are you printing your own labels?
  20. Our school board policy states that laptops may no be brought to any school in the county but our principal allows it. They have wireless routers throughout the school that we can acess. They do have filters though. No ads can be displayed and many sites are disabled. As for the jelly, the flavors that contain banana are my biggest sellers.
  21. Doris, you can continue to say that I can't but that's the problem there, I tell myself that I can and I do manage. BTW, I am at school. We are allowed to bring our laptops to school and use them during free time such as study halls and breaks. As a matter of a fact, I just left Physics
  22. I was saying that that was all that I had to have, not that I did not have one. Sorry about that. I see where you could get that from what I said though.
  23. I do make homemade jams and jellies in over twenty flavors regardless of what you say and, btw, jello with fruit added would barely even pass as jellies or jams. As for the website, I sell only about $30.00 a month from my site so that is the least of my priorities when I have displays that I sell tons from. doris, YOU personally can NOT tell me what I can do. You are basing your opinion on what YOU can do. I personally do make and sell my products whether you believe such or not. You and your abilities are not the base and the limits for my abilities. As far as the soap, I may have one mold but several different colors and fragrances. I also have different kinds of cuts soap, several flavors of lip balm, etc.
  24. It's a product that I would like to sell but as for now just for personal use. I can get the laundry detergent by the case at wholesale prices so by time I add fragrance I can sell it for around the same price as what it actually retails for. I think that is something that people might be interesed in buying and using.
  25. I did say I was gonna stop selling the jellies until I finsished geting all of the other refulations together. I already have the inspection, had it before I started. I just have to check into all of the other Government regulations. They sold like crazy and I have people to this day asking for more but, I did take you guys advice and slow down on that atleast. I understand the advice that you have given about me slowing down. I feel that my products are up to par and that I can continue to make products. Is adding new products not what I am supposed to? I thought with a business you worked your way up the ladder by reinvesting and adding new products? That seems how everyone else works. Maybe I'm ignorant when it comes to the topic of business:confused: . I thought I was doing pretty good.
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