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Everything posted by nmhoneybear

  1. I have never even heard of pumpkin pie with a graham cracker crust. I would use a Pie Crust FO~ Aroma Haven has one that smells pretty accurate.
  2. Yes, there definitely are. But when I look in my already packed cabinet and still want more, I begin to wonder. I've been holding out to try the Christmas Pear, and I am glad I did. Now I want to try the Eggnog & the Cranberry. Heck, I wouldn't mind having a sample of every single one of Bert's FO's. So far, I am really impressed! :smiley2: Poured the Cinnamon Nutmeg & Clove a while ago. FANTASTIC~ if ya like 'em spicey!
  3. I wouldn't order from them if they have an additional $15 fee tacked on. Wow! That is outrageous!
  4. I get my pipettes from MMS in Utah. They are close to me. Sorry, no help on the sniffies.
  5. Wildfire has a Mac Apple that is super strong.
  6. Manuka & Lavender Body Wrap was very nice in cp soap, but not one of my faves.
  7. The sale is Free Shipping on all orders $30 and up. I got some in from last week's sale: Iced Gingerbread, Pumpkin Pie, Halloween Spice, Chrome, Winter and Hot Chocolate. Better hurry! :smiley2: Valerie
  8. Cranberry Ginger Spice Tea is a wonderful scent!
  9. Crystal Sunshine is the best grapefruit scent out there! YUM :smiley2:
  10. Hi Bert! I already let you know about not getting my Holiday Spices in my order. Some other lucky somebody got that one and my sample. But I will be placing another order very soon and will definityly remind you. Gotta try some more of your oils, espcecially the Christmas Pear! YUMMO!
  11. I think they just became available recently. I was checking their website a couple of weeks ago and they said they were to be available soon. Hope they are good! Please let us know how they are, cuz I need to order some Pumpkin Vanilla, Grammy's Zucchini Bread, and Cinnamon Sandalwood pretty quick. I'll probably be like you and order one of each as well, FOHO that I am. lol
  12. Boo hoo! I missed out on my freebie! But Bert is soooo nice! Maybe on the next order...:smiley2:
  13. Here they are~ http://www.kycandlewaxsupply.com/Have fun! :smiley2: And welcome to the board.
  14. IFT has a dupe. It is wonderful, but I've never smelled the original, so I don't know how it compares. Sorry. :undecided
  15. Wow! Been pouring these oils and they are soooooo good! Did some Lemon Biscotti Pie votives a couple of nights ago, and the next day all I could smell was Lemon Biscotti Pie. And I am surrounded by over a hundred different scents of votives! But that one really stood out. Then, a little while ago, I poured Fig & Melon and Fall Festival. Both of those are AWESOME, too! Can't wait to test burn these. :smiley2:
  16. I've not smelled JS's Pink Peppercorn, so I can't compare. All I can say is that the Pink Pepperberry threw like crazy in the J223 wax with zinc core wicks and I loved it!
  17. I received a bottle of Snowtops Caramel Nut Cluster last winter that was literally solid except for a little bit on the top. I was told to place it in a pot of slow boiling water on the stove. It then liquified so that I could pour it. Worked great! I only used one ounce, and the other ounce hardened up like that once it cooled. Guess I'll have to do the same thing again. The candles were still awesome! :smiley2:
  18. Try the HTP41's if the 31's are drowning out. I use them with a lot of success. Usually, what I would do is use the 41's with the heavier FO's, like vanillas, sandalwoods, or sweet ones. Oh, the joy of candlemaking.
  19. Hope you do bring it back. What an awesome scent! Believe it or not, it is my DH's favorite! Good to hear it may be not be gone forever. :smiley2:
  20. I use 4794 with HTP31 or HTP41 wicks. I also use 36 or 44z wicks with good success, just don't love the mushrooming. :smiley2:
  21. Yeah~ I have just got to stop reading these threads! Getting ready to pour the Lemon Biscotti Pie any minute now.
  22. The no shipping special ends tonight. Gotta figure out what I need, but fast! :undecided I know I need some Pumpkin Pie, Halloween Spice, Iced Gingerbread, and Winter. Wish they still had the Frosted Snowdrops.
  23. You must get the Pink Pepperberry! It is such a fabulous unique scent.
  24. Have you found that you need to wick up with this wax? TIA for any help. :smiley2:
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