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Everything posted by TeriM

  1. it's been soap on a stick before I even add the FO so I know it's not that.... it starts when I'm adding the lye water.... it's crazy - I've been making soap about a year and only had this happen once and it was the volcano thing when I thought about trying HP... I mix my lye and let it get to room temp... and that's what I do with my oils maybe it is the scale.... I have no clue !!!
  2. I've had 3 batches now go south on me... recipes I've used before but I'm getting soap on a stick instantly and can't figure out why....
  3. I've been using KY's Perfect Blend and just love it... now they won't give the exact formula... but there is very, very little paraffin - just enough to make it smooth - no frosting and very few wet spots. The hot/cold throw have been wonderful in most every FO I've tested.... It comes in slab form but is very soft and easy to cut...
  4. I think maybe this is what your talking about.... http://www.alabastercandlesupply.com/products.php?cat=77
  5. there was a discussion and some directions on this on SoapDish... you might want to jump over there and see what you can find.
  6. not as far as I know.. it is way to soft for electrics...
  7. your right... in all the above cases the homeowners should have been given a check - fire is a covered cause of loss no matter how it happens - unless of course they prove arsen. now - the insurance company going after the candle maker... I seriously doubt it - they will look into the cause and if the candle exploded or something then maybe yes.. but just to go after them to recoup their loss - no.... I'm an insurance agent.. have worked on the company side/as an adjuster.. and now at an agency there are other reasons to have insurance even if you don't sell right now - not sure about the rest of you but I have a lot of money tied up in supplies and sure would like to have that money if I had a loss at my home - your not going to have coverage under your homeowners for anything that is business related. Now I'm not saying that if your house burns down the company is going to ask you what was in it... but I'd sure like the additional.. !!!! TeriM
  8. Congrats on your first show..... your display is really nice - everything looks really pretty.. ! I love those palm candles... now I really can't wait to test the wax..... !!! TeriM
  9. I've seen that before and actually made some.. it's nice - but I can tell you that the bases are much better.... I use JS Body Mousse and it's wonderful...
  10. I changed to KY Perfect Blend and haven't looked back... I love this wax... I guess the real question is what your looking for in a wax....
  11. I either use the brown wrapping paper.. ... or I've started using scrap booking paper... I cut it, wrap half the soap and fold the bottom like you would a christmas present....
  12. shoot - I didn't see those and just placed and order... guess I'll be making another... !
  13. the only reason I could think to add it would be for something like a mechanic's type scrub.... I've thought about making one
  14. no Homeowners policy will cover a home based business unless is specifically on the policy... there's nothing automatic in it....
  15. you only get a multi policy discount on auto/home... not commercial
  16. it really all depends where you are and what your looking for..... it varies state to state..... my suggestion would be to call Independent Agents in your area.. they more than likely will be able to help you out...
  17. this is exactly why I'm no longer doing any shows... they are not what they were when I started about 5yrs ago.... a lot of work... little money - and crap that people call handmade. i think what has happened is every church & school sees the money that can be made from booth fees - charging to get in.. and the food so they are all doing them - they could care less if we make any money... !!
  18. thanks... I actually might make some GM soap again with this... !
  19. the second one is just what I was looking for.... I'll let you know if I get any response back... thanks so much.. !!!
  20. a while ago I bought some 8oz plastic jars w/flip top lids from WSP - they were suplus so no more... now I'm driving myself nuts trying to find some more ... anyone know of a place.. or even what I'm talking about.... thanks !!
  21. Only problem with that is if you don't say something and you have a claim... your going to be dropped anyway... since you've been making candles for 6 yrs I'm guessing you have a good amount of supplies and inventory in your house... if something were to happen you wouldn't get a dime for any of it... just something to think about !
  22. now here's what's funny... it must depend on what state your in because my business policy is with State Farm... now that said... it's not rated right - reason I know that is I'm an agent and have been in the business for almost 20 years... not my job to tell him... different agents handle business different... the ones that don't tell their companies always end up paying in the long run... it will come back to bite you in the butt....
  23. your homeowners will not cover any business conducted out of your home... now that being said.. there are companies who will allow you to run a business out of your home and provide coverage which would be included in your homeowners... just depends on the business... just so your warned... you do need to let you agent know... but don't be surprised if they non renew your policy when the time comes.. not all companies do this... but some do....
  24. okay.. so now you made me go and look... Gingered Cinnamon is out of stock... !
  25. if something were to happen she sure would be drawn into a law suit - no doubt about it... and she is altering the product so she would be liable... what a lot of people don't think about is that your insurance covers legal fees if your named in a suit... whether you are liable or not... you have coverage..... legal fees aren't cheap !!
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