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Everything posted by soycrazy

  1. I haven't had any complaints, I even welcome SASE with a couple stamps that seems to work better than people paying online for me at least.
  2. It's really hard to get used to if you have long hair too, it makes your hair feel all weird.
  3. The only downside is if someone finds out they will go and post it on all the freebie sites and you'll get tons of requests. That happened to me with my beads and I had to quit offering them, I do offer samples, but they have to pay shipping which is under a buck.
  4. I'm thinking of switching to nature wax since I can avoid the shipping and go to lonestar or taylored concepts to pick it up. Has anyone compared it with ezsoy, because that's what I currently use now. Cargill told me I can use the C3 in cosmetics too and that's what I'm looking for. Also can you use the C3 in tarts or should I try the pillar blend? I use ezsoy right now with my tarts without a problem.
  5. Well I finally did it and made my 1st batch with hubby's help of course, you don't think I would mix the lye do you LOL. Of course getting burned on the face wasn't fun , but after pushing through the pain & taking care of my burn it was worth it. I planned on scenting them, but it didn't turn out that way. I think they still came out really nice. They smell good for being unscented Even though my first time was painful I want to do another batch this weekend, but scented this time I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with all this soap LOL.
  6. JS Whipped Vanilla Creme is wonderful. I love mc's warm vanilla sugar though, I think it smells more like a sweet tart
  7. There's a lot of good butter recipes in the recipe section the one sara posted looks pretty simple http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20342 I haven't tried it yet, but plan to
  8. Oh no I'm so sorry how awful. Sounds like tonight was a night for disasters, I know my first time was one and I'm definitely feeling the pain from it ouch
  9. Once I use my ezsoy up I think I will try their nature wax that will save me a bunch on shipping since lonestar isn't far from me, has anyone tried it?
  10. Well now I know for sure it wasn't chlorine, because we just found out tonight we have well water. I think he likes the unscented stuff better though, he told me he's tired of smelling like a girl with all my scented stuff LOL.
  11. We use the dye and perfume free detergent too, because the perfumes bug my allergies so much. I haven't had any problems with scented soaps, good thing, because I would be so bummed. He told me he was suffering for over 20 years now so I really don't know how he put up with it. I can't believe he was even allergic to eo's too, but I guess those can be quite strong.
  12. Isn't that the same place as Gelluminations? I have too many samples from them LOL. They smell great though. I love their cheescake & country berry hotcakes.
  13. Well a little update for you guys, it must be fo's & eo's that make him itch. Thanks to Purple Lilac for sending me some unscented cp he hasn't itched. He's been going through this for probably 15 years now and to think it was the scent all along. I'm so glad though now I won't hear him whining anymore LOL.
  14. Would parabens matter though since you are rinsing it off anyway?
  15. What great tips, that will help so much thanks
  16. I got a sample of it and it smells sooo good, I think I'm going to try adding chocolate also to it I would love to get more, but a lb is just too much for me.
  17. Should I get 2 different grades If I want to use it for body butter and soap?
  18. How do you guys pour this in a container without it bouncing everywhere on the floor? I have some sweeping to do now LOL.
  19. That is neat, I was on a site the other day and it showed how they make it, but I can't find it now. I did find another one and it should give you a idea of how they do it http://www.ewb.ca/en/whatsnew/sheanut.html
  20. It could have been the shipping carrier, UPS isn't very gentle with their packages sometimes. They love to kick stuff around. That peppermint is really good so is the eucalyptus
  21. I just got some of that vanilla patchoulli, I'll have to try that in wax. The other ones I just got are tickle me pink, sassy sweet tarts and peppermint kisses which I love
  22. I had no idea about this, thanks for explaining it all to me
  23. Are you talking about the one from goofy mabel white site? Don't waste your money on her stuff, I have the ebook just pm me.
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