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Everything posted by IndyGirl

  1. I have searched and searched the USPS regs for anything "new" as to shipping fo's. Why all of the concern this week? I see nothing new at the post office. It just seems strange to me that suppliers are all of the sudden changing their policies....like the USPS has changed something. I don't see it anywhere!
  2. I just have a sheet (paper) with the info. It's really good but, I'm not to advanced with excel to do the formulas. Maybe I could scan it and email it to you???
  3. I have one done on paper.....in excel but not on the computer. I guess I could sit here tonight and try to re-build it on excel......doesn't sound like fun..........and Idol is on..........let me think about it!
  4. I downloaded this last night....on high speed cable it took about 20 minutes. But I love the feel of it! I also downloaded the wax batch size estimator and it's very interesting! What I need now is a cost analysis excel sheet. Does anyone have anything to share?
  5. Very nice! Better than real and less calories too!
  6. I can't stand the thought of test burning my beautiful rustics! Think I'll keep them all just for me!
  7. We really need to do a co-op on their fo's the 5 lb price break is a good deal! anyone live close to them?
  8. 1. CandleScience Great service, great product, great prices. 2. Backwoods Good customer service, Some very good scents. 3. Nature's Garden Price, alot of great scent The rest: Some great fo's but price or shipping is too high.
  9. Now they need to have a sale on the pounds cause I'm gonna need about 30 of them! Talk about your focd! This is as bad as it gets! Come on CandleScience!!!!!! Enable our focd...........foocd???? The only scent I had a problem with was the mac apple.........very light in my 4627. The cinnamon buns are yummy, the cucumber melon is ahhhhhhhhhhh! Must pour more!
  10. The first step is admitting that you have a problem..........OK I DO! Why not the wax or, wicks, or dyes? FOCD an unspoken crisis with no cure! I even sell stuff on ebay to support my habit!
  11. That is so weird! I would change your glue sticks next........it has to be the glue. Do you put about the size of a dime on them? :undecided
  12. Just go back and proof yourself! I see many spelling, spacing and, capitalization errors. Just a tip to help your site look more professional!
  13. Oh, I put it in a fairly large container so I have a ways to go before I get to the end! I got a pm from warmvanilla saying that wsp has the wick sustainers for them but they are out of stock so maybe I will try one with that after this one burns out!
  14. Very nice! I am test burning the Lemon Tart candle as I type! It is definately the very best Lemon I have ever tried! Now I just need to try some more soaps!
  15. Wood Wicks aren't old news! They are very interesting to make and use. If they were not so popular we all wouldn't be talking about them or trying them out for ourselves! I will say that I went to a store the other day and really looked at the WoodWick candles and was interested to find that the wicks were not always centered, and the jars had wet spots..........I'm sure that they are making a huge profit on them. Because I know it can't cost near what they are selling them for! They are pretty to watch burn, something different! I think I'll go light the one that I made now!
  16. I have always used a hot glue gun and have never had a wick come loose. I use a piece of plastic tubing sort of like a straw.........or an ink pen with the guts removed to thread the wick, put a drop of glue on it and stick it down in the jar and press for just a second.
  17. I'm on a mission to find the best, strongest maple pecan! Which supplier do you love for this?
  18. Go and sniff the Sun & Sand! I do love the Island Spa.
  19. Vanilla Silk is a buttery vanilla. I sell lots of it. For a straight vanilla mixer I use CandleScience Vanilla. It is a plain vanilla, not bitter and not buttery.
  20. Yes, I looked. But they are too new so......I may just have to break down and buy from WSP. (The Sun & Sand) It's just too good to pass up!
  21. I didn't sniff the Peach! Now I have to go back to the store!
  22. Has anyone seen dupes out there for the new yankee spring scents? I saw Sun & Sand at WSP....$$$$..........anywhere else? Island Spa is another good one but, I haven't seen it anywhere at all. i bought the car freshner for Sun & Sand and it smells very beachy....suntan oil and such. Very good! Suppliers: Any of these in the pipline?
  23. Hmmmm...........Yes, what exactly do you mean?
  24. The cinnmon buns smelled just like the pillsbury canned ones! Yummy!
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