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Everything posted by gmp

  1. Does anybody know if there are standard acceptable burn times for candles? I am making 13 oz candles in 16 oz mason jars, and I came up with 75 hours burn time for one I am testing. I want to know if this is on target. Is there a chart out there of what's expected in terms of burn time? TIA...
  2. I'll second that! Where are all the scientists out there! The LX's are not too bad, actually, but I still need to play with it more. I put everything on hold till after the holiday, so now I'm back to testing. I'm using 4630 wax for now, but am thinking about changing...but to what, I don't know yet! Isn't this fun??
  3. Hiliary, are you finding that many of these "wick charts" (not the ones that try to match jar size/wick size/wax type, but the ones that list wick properties) on the web don't give pros and cons to each wick type? They all seem to be great, but I don't always get the whole picture. That's what's got me stumped. I'm having a hard time filtering all of it b/c of this. I even have bought samples of RRD, LX, Zinc, and HTP's and tried them. What I have found so far is that the Zincs mushroom quite a bit, and sometimes the metal is exposed during burning (not very attractive). The HTP's curl as the burn, and the wick is self trimming, so two things happen. First the wick "trims" by falling into the wax in bits, so the wax is "dirty" or "sooty". Second, b/c of the curl, the flame is no longer centered, it becomes off center, and so the meltpool is off center. I tried twisting the wick as some suggested to help keep the flame centered, but did not have luck with that.
  4. Thank you. I also saw that Wicks Unlimited had some good info, too.
  5. Thanks for those links, candleran. I too have been stumped by the different wick properties. (even after doing some testing and reading up on the subject on the web and here)! I didn't see anything on the links about which wicks burn a hotter flame and which burn a less hot flame. Do you or anyone else out there know the answer to that one? TIA...
  6. Looks great...I choose ribbon over raffia
  7. My grocery store carries silcone mini christmas trees, but I think they may be too big for tarts. They are more in line with mini loaf pans.
  8. Looks like there are lots of great options out there. Bruce and beesweet, thanks for adding yours!
  9. For others interested in this topic here's another tool from BCN. Works well for my mason jars. here's the link http://secure.candlesupply.com/catalog_page_detail.cfm?queries_index=index7&title_bar=Wick%20Center%2FHolder&recordno=15&Product_CatalogID=2570&ProductCodeID=46&ProductSubCodeID=231&NewProduct=0
  10. Wick centering products, there are lots of choices out there from various suppliers are WELL worth the money, and they are not that expensive to begin with! IMO you want as few variables as possible when making your candles to create a consistent product for friends and customers. I, too, am obsessive about getting the wicks perfectly centered, and these tools take all the guesswork out of it.
  11. That is sooooo cute! Has great eye appeal!
  12. Correction, the ink can be removed with just water. Sorry for any confusion. I believe the generic name for these Crayola markers is Wet Erase Markers.
  13. This may sound strange but I can always, always find baskets in thrift shops and second hand stores.
  14. Perhaps some of you already are doing this, but I didn't see anything posted about it. When testing glass containers (or even storing them after the candles are made) you can mark the scent, the wick size, % of dye, etc. on the glass directly with a Crayola Window Marker, instead of a sticky note or taping paper to the side, etc. Not only is the paper/tape combo cumbersome, but they can fall off. I don't know if the markers will work on non-glass containers. The window markers do not come off with the brush of a hand or with water, like dry erase markers, but can easily be removed with windex. I think I paid around $5 for an 8 marker set.
  15. http://www.candleandsoapstuff.com/Suppliers_by_State.html The above link will list suppliers by state. A good supplier near you is Bitter Creek North. They are in Wisconsin. Their web address is http://www.candlesupply.com/ good luck
  16. I love their on-line chat feature, too. It is so convienient.
  17. I've used my hot glue gun. PLug it up, then while it's no longer hot but still tacky, mold it with your finger. Worked pretty well for me.
  18. I think Bitter Creek North offers container blend samples, so that you can try a few out and see which you like. You can also do a few searches on this board and will find that every body has their own favorite. You will find your own favorite, too, it's just a matter of trying several out to see. No wax is perfect...some are not easy to wick, others are easy to wick but are not one pour, some are easy to wick and are one pour but don't have great hot throw, some are messy to work with but have great cold and hot throw...so it's a matter of what factors are most and least important to you as the candlemaker. The other variable is wicking. It the same thing, none are perfect, some mushroom more than others, some soot more than others, so get a sample pack, again Bitter Creek carries them as do other places, and see what you like. Good luck
  19. Okay, I know I made the Calvin Klein crack, but I like this one: Serenity Here's why: It is peaceful, like a dove. It is calming, like a health spa, It seems to go with the scents you have selected. If the dove is on the label, then you don't need the word "dove". It would compliment the name rather than be redundant. I was trying to congure up images of the dove without actually using the word dove b/c that word is tripping me up. You could even go with White Serenity and have a white candle! I'm sure in the end it will all work out, whatever name you go with!! Okay, back to folding laundry and wrapping gifts...
  20. Guppy Girl ~ Can you narrow the scope a bit? A fragrarence, color, your clients line of work? Just working with three doves, the names are coming off awfully perfume-y. I can just hear Calvin Klein whispering in the background "Whispering Doves"! lol...
  21. When Doves "Fly" :undecided ...sorry...I could not resist!!
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